Both Of Us (Taylor)

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I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us


"OMG! Leonardo DiCaprio just tweeted about your album!!" Selena message me and I freeze.

Leo tweeted about me. I shrieked and screamed, although there's no one in my house.

I quickly log in from my account and see his tweet.

"1989 album is a blast! Can't stop listening to it!"He tweeted about a few minutes ago. I can see many people have already re tweeted and favorite it. I couldn't help but do those things.

"#LeoLove1989 is at 5th number in latest trends. But there is one thing that catches my eyes.

"HateHaylor" It was trending as well.

Harry and I have a lot of people who hate us, I hear their abusive words towards our relationships whenever I go out. It hurts me deeply and I know Harry feels the same but doesn't comment on it.

There have been times when he couldn't take the hate anymore and want to say something to the paps, but I always calm him down.

"Haylor is fake. Taylor is definitely using Harry for fame."

"I can't deal with it. No matter what,I still think that it's for show #HateHaylor"

"Harry is gay. Taylor go for someone who is a man. #HateHaylor"

"#Larryisreal. Taylor's next single is going to be 'He called me Louis', #HateHaylor."

"Harry deserves a better girl. *coughs* me *coughs* #HateHaylor"

"Harry singing ' Roses are red. Violet is blue. She doesn't have a di*ck and her name isn't Louis. #HateHaylor."

"Taylor and Harry. I think I'm gonna throw up. #Hatehaylor"

"I love Harry and I love Taylor but I don't like them together. It's like nutella and ketchup.#HateHaylor"

All the tweets upset me. It's like when you win something and you want everyone to be happy for you, that is a kind of reaction I was hoping. But Surely instead of being happy some people start searching faults in it. My past was something I'm not happy about, I've invested a lot when it comes to relationships and that's the only thing that people see now. They can't see how we're actually feeling. We have tried a lot to ignore these comment but it hard.

The front door opens revealing Harry who came with cupcakes in his hand.

"Here's the girl whose album is loved by Leo" He says. I blush, he knows about my crush on Leo.

There's a chance that he has seen the #HateHaylor too. I know he's not going to say anything about it. There's a different expression on him, the one he has whenever he want to forget something.

He's very emotional, I know his mind is going towards there. But I need to be brave for him. I hope I can do something which will change his uneasiness,I hope I can make him feel better.

"Thank you so much." I smile.

"You look sad." He frowns. "Please tell me you didn't see that trend."

"I did." I walk towards him and hug him.

"I wish I could change that opinion but I can't. I just feel so weak when people say that, you know." He whispers. I hold him tighter, wanting him to forget about it.

"Don't worry. These things are not going to affect our relationship. Let's forget about it." I try to coax him.

"Promise?" he ask.

"I promise." I say "Now, let's eat the cupcakes, I'm hungry."

He smile and take the cupcakes out from the pack. He still has that expression but I'll do anything to make it disappear.

So many people have already accepted our relationship with time, but a few haven't. Everyone have haters. I for one have many.

Bi*tch, Sl*ut. wh*ore, are a few names that people call me, because of my past relationships. I have many haters and many friends. They're jealous, that's what Harry tells me all the time.

Even he has got many haters. They call him gay or a little guy with weird curls.I can't take it whenever people say that. Just because people don't like the kind of music that his band makes they hate him. If I don't like a kind of music, I will not say anything about it. Hating doesn't make a guy look good, it makes him look weak.

And when it comes to his hair. He has got the best hair in the whole universe. I know he doesn't like all the hate but ignoring is the only thing left for us.

He's in deep thoughts. He's looking down at the table and eating. I want to make him feel good.

I reach other to him and kiss his cheek, his face suddenly lights up.

"What are you thinking?"

"About you."

"Like what?"

"I want to be with you all the time."

"I'm with you all the time. Except when we're in our tours."

"We're not together at night." He points out.

"Most of the nights we are, Harold."

"But your things are here." He mumbles.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Let's move in together. I mean, only if you want to because I want to. I know the hate that we get but we can ignore that right? It's not like it's affecting our relationship. Right? Right? Do you think it is? Please tell me, I can do anything to-"

"HARRY! Calm down. No, it's not affecting our relationship." I smile.

"Thank god."He sighs.

"And.." I start.

"And?" He says eagerly, waiting to hear the end of the sentence.

"I'll move in with you." I smile. He pull me towards him and kiss me. It's a simple kiss, akind of kiss that I like. Short and sweet.

"I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us." I say and kiss me again.

Someday I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us

The song include just one line sung by Taylor, but that single line has got such a deep meaning. I love the song especially her part in the song. This song is a forgotten classic.

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