Sweet Creature

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Harry's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and see the beautiful figure of the lady who never fails to amaze me. She's wearing my t-shirt from last night and cleaning the mess we made last night. Well, last night was rough and different things happened in several places.

Well, if it wasn't for her stubbornness of going to some weird restaurant, things wouldn't have ended like this. I wouldn't have found her sexy and we probably had a simple sober night.

"I don't care. I want to go and I'm going. If you want to come you are welcome and if you don't then it's fine. But just remember that- wait why aren't you wearing a shirt."

She looks at my bare torso, I know her weakness and I love to take advantage sometimes. It's great to be in control sometimes.

"What? Oh shirt. I don't know."

"Go and wear a shirt."

"Nah. I'll pass."

"Harry, you're not-"She glance at my shirtless body again and take a deep breath "You're not making it easy."

"I don't know why you're acting like this, I mean I'm just shirtless, no big deal." I have a valid point.

"You want to talk like this. Fine." It took her a second to reach for her shirt and she took it off, leaving me in a state when I stop thinking. Her new black lace bra has made a great first impression on me. She looks sexy and I wonder how she'll look without it. Maybe, it was a bad idea to go out when we can have all the fun here and-

"HARRY! I said something!" She yells.

"Sorry, what? I was thinking about something."

"Really?" She raise her eyebrows. "About what?"

Oh shit, she's winning this game.

"About Liam's dog, he's not well you know. And I want to squeeze them , I mean see them."

She smirks. "them? You said dog."

"Oh for god's sake." I run towards her and kiss her without even thinking. My mind is thinking about all the things we can do tonight.

"Good Morning." I said in my strange morning voice. She looks at me, as she folds her jeans. Sometimes, I wonder if she misses my voice just like I miss and question if we talk enough. Well, I want to talk to her all the time.

"Hey you, snorer"

"Hey, I don't snore."


She gives me that devilish smile, oh no she has something good.

"Well, I've been telling you snore, even though it's very light. Since you never agree on that, here's a little clip you of." She showed me her phone and the video starts.

The clip clearly showed that I was snoring, a little, in a cool way. The 10 second clip changed my whole life. I start thinking about that nose thing that people use for snoring problem. Maybe I should check my-

"See. I just wanted to see your face."

"Well, I guess you're right. Or maybe that's you making the noises and I'm soundlessly sleeping having an amazing dream."

"Bullshit, Harry Styles. Just agree. And it's cute by the way."

All my plans about the snore stopping nose thing are gone. I kind of knew she would like it. Stop overthinking.

"Well, I do that on purpose so that you can find it cute and will never leave me."

"Yes. That's exactly why you do it."She shakes her head. "hey, don't you have a meeting with Robert about your next album?" She asked.

It has been a tough time for me working for my album. I want it to be perfect, I want it to have the right elements just like I imagined it to be but the process is really tiring. Sometimes, I don't even understand what I'm doing, it's so exhausting.

"Babe." She walks towards me and sit on my lap. "You worry too much these days." She plays with my hair.

"No, it's just, it's not that easy and I don't know if I can handle so many things together."

"Look at me, Harry. You're the strongest person I know, I know that whatever you write will have a great impact on people. They will know your journey, your ups and downs and it's going to be awesome. So, there's nothing to worry about. You will be satisfied, I can assure you that."

I smile, her simple words are enough to bring me back. Whatever I do, I know she's always going to be there for me bringing me back to reality and make me realize the importance of things. She brings me home.

"Now come on. You don't have much time. Go and shower, I'll make you some breakfast." She stands up and I hate the loss of contact.

"GO GO GO" She pulls my hand, for me to stand up.

How can she know what exactly to say?

I walk towards the bathroom and take one last look at my sweet creature. 

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