Chapter Six

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(AN: In this scene, Toya is 18, and you're 17.)

I sat on the edge of the pool, my feet soaking in the water. "We have this whole pool to ourselves, and you're not going to come in?" Toya swam towards me. "I'm not feeling like it," I lied. Toya grabbed my hand. "You're lying. Tell me the truth or I'll pull you in."

"Okay, I'll tell you," I said, avoiding eye contact. "I-I can't swim."

"How come you never told me?" He asked. "It's embarrassing," I replied, blushing. "Y/N," our eyes locked. "Do you trust me?" I nodded.

Toya grabbed both my hands and slowly pulled me into the water. My hands wrapped around his neck, holding him close. "D-Don't let go of me." He chuckled. "I'm not going to let you go, doll." He wrapped his arms around my back. "I don't plan on letting you go."

He lifted my body off the pool floor, my legs wrapping around his waist. He embraced me in a passionate kiss. He carried me until my back pressed against the tiles. I could feel Toya's hard cock pushing against my thigh. "I crave you," he said, his hard cock rubbing between your legs. His hands slid firmly up my sides, ripping my bikini top off, revealing my breasts. Toya began to bite, kiss, and suck my nipples. "Toya," I moaned, throwing my head back. His hands slid down my sides, ripping my bikini bottom off. Toya took off his swimming suit. His hard cock is rubbing up against my entrance.

His hips moved slowly, and his thrusting stayed gentle. "Fuck," I moaned, "Toya." He started to pick up his pace, thrusting into me, swiftly and forcefully. "You're mine," he groaned, leaning in, until our lips met in an intense and passionate kiss. Toya's grabbed my waist, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss.

"Toya! I'm about to—"

A knock on the door woke me up. "Mommy! Quit sleeping and go make breakfast!" I rubbed my face and checked the time. "Shit," I muttered.

● ● ●

"Your daughter will be fine. I've healed her broken bone, so she will be able to walk again." The woman got up and shook my hand. "Thank you so much." The best feeling is seeing people happy after hearing good news. "You can go see her now. Your daughter will be discharged soon."

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and checked who it was.

It was a call from Yuki's school.

I went inside the storage room and took the call. "Hello... Yes, I am... Yuki got involved in a fight... Yuki did what!"

● ● ●

"There has to be a reason behind the fight! Yuki, don't just get into fights unless there is a reason!" I didn't want to cause a scene, but Yuki just got a three-day suspension. You have got to be kidding me.

"Y/N, please calm down." I took a breath and sat back down. "Your son hurt someone. Yuki burned them. Their mother is furious, and they might call the cops on Yuki." My fist tightened. "Fine. Where are they? Let me talk to their mother."

"Maki, come in here, please." The door opened, and a woman and her son walked in. She stared at me with a dirty look.

This bitch.

"I did some thinking, and I don't think I'll call the cops." She flipped her hair. "I'm feeling generous."

"Y/N? Anything to say?"

"I'm sorry." That your son is weak and was defeated by my son. "For what my son did," I said, faking a smile. "If you'd like, I can help heal your son's burn."

● ● ●

"Mom, are you mad at me?" I kissed Yuki's forehead. "No, but can you tell me what happened?"

"He was being mean to this girl, calling her names, so I decided to stand up for her. He was using his quirk to attack me and the girl, so I attacked back to protect the girl." Yuki said, pouting. "I didn't mean to burn him, mom. I was just trying to help the girl from that bully!" I laughed and gently caressed his cheek. "I could never be mad at you for helping someone." I showered him with kisses. "I'm so proud of you, Yuki."

"How about we head over to the bakery, grab some cookies, and then go home to watch a movie?" Yuki nodded enthusiastically.

● ● ●

I was in the kitchen, setting up for the movie. I microwaved popcorn, arranged cookies on a plate, and scooped out ice cream for both of us.

My attention was drawn to a knock on the door. "Yuki, can you answer that?" Yuki quickly ran over and opened the door.

I took the plates and brought them to the living room table. "Who is at the door, Yuki?"


Concern filled me.

I walked to the door and saw Yuki staring at the man. Our eyes met, and I found myself gazing into a pair of turquoise eyes. "Toya." I furrowed my brows. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to meet my son," Toya said, looking down at Yuki. Toya kneeled down to Yuki's level. Yuki stared at Toya, admiring him. "Yuki, this is your father—" Yuki embraced Toya in a hug, catching him by surprise. "Dad." Yuki's voice cracked.

I smiled at the two of them. I could feel tears welling up, but I managed to hold them back.

● ● ●

I was in the kitchen, setting up food for Toya. As I was cooking, I watched Toya and Yuki get along. They were talking, smiling, and laughing.

I took the plate and brought it to the living room table. "What movie do you want to watch?"

"Back to the Future!" Yuki yelled excitedly.

Taking a seat beside Toya, I handed him the plate, our fingers gently touching. "Thanks," he whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but blush, feeling the delightful flutter of butterflies in my stomach as our eyes met.

"Tomorrow," he whispered, "I'm picking you up." I looked at him, confused. "We're going on a date." He leaned in and kissed me.

" He leaned in and kissed me

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