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|FRIDAY MAY 26,2023|

"Okay so what's so important that you wanted to tell me in person that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" I asked Harlem, she called me at 9 and asked if we could link to talk and I agreed since food was involved.

We were currently sitting in the parking lot of Jupiters a soul food spot that hit the spot every time they never disappointed. 

I got comfortable putting my feet on the dashboard. " can we drive to my lil spot first then we can talk?" I sighed and nodded " I'm sharing my location with my friends I'll be damned if you kill me." She chuckled and nodded " go ahead I'm not gonna hurt you."

" mhmm" the music played lowly as we sat in silence as she drove to the spot she was talking about.

We pulled up to an abandoned lot surrounded by trees " oh yea you finna kill me." I immediately shared my location with Trinity knowing she was the only one up.


From TRINI GYAL: you okay ? I need to pull up?

To TRINI GYAL: I'm okay for now just wanted somebody to have my current location just in case , if ion text you back in 30 come find me.

From TRINI GYAL: bet, who you with?

To TRINI GYAL: Harlem..

From TRINI GYAL: the same Harlem that just got out of jail for murder ?...

To TRINI GYAL: LMFAOOO bro why would you say that ! But yes.

From TRINI GYAL: bet you got 20 mins or I'm sending the Calvary .


I put my phone back in my pocket and gave Harlem my full attention " okayy"

She turned towards me and sighed, her face was all scrunched up " I don't know how to say this."

" just say it. I won't judge you if that's what you're worried about."

She sighed and just came out with it " I got a dick" I tilted my head looking her up and down.

I was silent for a few seconds trying to see if that's all she was going to say." what the hell does that have to do with anything?" She frowned " wait you don't care that I have a dick?"

" Harlem.. My best friend is an Intersex Male I knew you had a dick when we was dancing on each other, you was not hiding it girl you was hard as a brick I knew it was real because it kept growing." Her mouth was dropped open in shock and disbelief.

" wow"

I nodded digging into my food " if that's why you let Jordan talk you out of fucking that's cool I understand some people are self conscious but I wouldn't have judged you and Jordan fucking knows that. I was the first person he ever told and I held his hand through the whole damn thing." My face turned into a mug thinking about Jordan.

" he said you wouldn't have accepted me for me since it took you a while to accept him and it threw me but I still felt myself being attracted to you and had to see for myself." Now it was my turn to have my mouth dropped open in shock and disbelief.

"JORDAN SAID THAT ?!" I yelled in anger " shit breathe- please bring me home." She nodded " I will just calm down." I closed my food I couldn't even eat my leg was shaking and i started cracking my knuckles.

I was beyond pissed off. My phone rang during the drive back to my house I answered it immediately.

" meet me at my house Trin. I'm about to flip my shit I swear to god bro" I felt the tear rolling down my face.

" bet" I hung the phone up. " do you care if I tell Trinity your intersex?"

" she knows." I nodded " how"

" the day we seen eachother Jordan had invited them all over to chill and I told them all to see how they'd react and they didn't care and still accepted me." I nodded that's must've been what trin was trying to tell me but I kept telling her I didn't care.

We pulled up to my house " thanks Harlem" I immediately got out the car before she could say anything else. I made it inside my house and to my kitchen when my front door opened up and Trinity came rushing in " what happened."

" fucking Jordan !" I turned and punched a hole through my wall. I wasn't even mad he told Harlem not to fuck with me it's the fact that he made it seem like I would've judged her for being intersex when I didn't even judge him and for him to say that I did was fucking crazy.

" okay I need you to breathe and talk to me what did he do now." She put her things down and stood in front of me.

" trin he really sat there and lied to Harlem and said I didn't accept him as an intersex male when I'm the first person he even told, I was the one who held his hand through everything with all the bullying and everything I was the one who stood beside him and getting jumped on because I'm friends with him bro I'm so fucking hurt and angry right now Trin." My hands was shaking.

She grabbed my hands massaging them. " that's fucking insane. We need to have a sit down and figure out what's going on with him like tomorrow forreal. 'Cause for him to say that is insane we all know Jordan because of you, you helped him gain more friends and we love him with all our heart but the way he's acting is beyond me." I broke down crying.

I went through so much being friends with Jordan, we met in Middle school when he first caught his period and every since than we was friends all through middle school he got picked on for having girl body parts but was considered a boy. I've been jumped by Boys because of him and ended up in the hospital almost died because of him and still stayed friends with him because I knew he needed a true friend.

" shh it's gonna be okay. I gotchu"

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