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🔥🔥Hello everyone, I'm back with the new book of Season 4 of Legend of the Phoenix Miraculous, I have missed you guys I'm doing great with my pregnancy now. No morning sickness (thank god for that). Anyway, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year for 2024. 🔥🔥

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Gabriel is fixing the Peacock Miraculous following translated instructions from the Miraculous spellbook.

Nathalie: (voice-over) Dust from the sky, now precious, will fix the wings of the injured animal. Combine the molten gold with the meteorite powder. Then, add the peacock feather.

Gabriel: Miraculous, repair yourself! (the miraculous glows and hovers, then lands in his hand repaired) It's perfect, as good as new! Now it's completely safe to use. (puts Miraculous on)

Duusu: (appears from the Miraculous) Wow, I feel so much better! What happened? Huh? Nooroo! (hugs Nooroo) Oh wow, everything was so chaotic in my head, like a nightmare where I'd fallen into very bad hands!

Nooroo: Sorry, old friend, but I'm afraid the nightmare is not over yet. (points to Gabriel, wearing both Miraculous)

Gabriel: Nooroo, Duusu, Unify! (Gabriel transforms into Shadow Moth)

Scene: The penthouse suite, Four Seasons Hotel George V. Danny was drinking his coffee and knocked on Scarlet's bedroom door.

Danny: (shouting) Honey, your date with Oliver is gonna be here in 10 minutes.

Scarlet: (shouting in the bedroom) Cheers Dad, I'm just doing my studies.

Danny: Okay Honey (he walks away while drinking his coffee)

Scene: Scarlet's room. Scarlet is typing up her studies of the Miracle Box on her new computer while CJ looks at the Miracle Box with curiosity and sniffs at it.

Scarlet: So... they all live in there? (Scarlet looks at CJ as he continues to sniff at the miracle box) Careful CJ. (CJ nods)

Furyy: Yes, except for Nooroo and Duusu, who are being held captive by Hawkmoth.

Scarlet: So Grandpa Fu never let them out?

Furyy: (trying on hats) Only Kwamis like me, Tikki and Plagg who have a holder like you can go out into the human world, Scarlet.

Scarlet: But... (takes the box in her hands) isn't it a bit cramped in there?

Furyy: Actually No! There's a whole parallel world inside! Of course, being out here is much more interesting. You humans are so inventive!

Scarlet: (notices the Phoenix's logo on the lid of the box, places her hand on it, the miracle box begins to glow and causing all the kwamis to be freed. She gasped and CJ ran away in fear and jumped into his bed ) I thought they couldn't get out.

Furyy: Now that you're the Guardian Scarlet, the box has become just like you! Full of surprises! That's amazing!

Mullo: (snatches Furyy's hat off her head) Thanks, big sis!

Furyy: Hey! Scarlet brought that for me! (chases after Mullo)

Scarlet: (sees Trixx looking at her diary, gasps) That's my secret diary! (tucks diary away in a drawer)

Daizzi: (bouncing on an on/off switch of desk lamp) Day! Night! Night! Day! (continues in background)

Ziggy: (phone rings, holding Scarlet's phone) Wow! It makes music, I love music! (Scarlet tries and fails to grab the phone away, and trips)

Scarlet: Careful with my phone!

Kaalki: (phases through the window and looks out to the street in awe) Oh my, you have to see this! The carts are all moving on their own! There isn't a single horse here to pull them- (grabbed by Scarlet and closes the window, sits down, exhausted by the kwamis' antics. At the desk, Stompp and Xuppu jump on the keyboard which turns on the news. Mullo curiously saw CJ peak out of his bed)

Legend of the Phoenix Miraculous Season 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora