Gabriel Agreste

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Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Shadow Moth is standing, in front of the lair's window.

Shadow Moth: Fiery Fall, ever since you became the guardian of the Miraculouses, something has been different, and believe me I will find out exactly what it is.

(The lair window closes shut.)

Scene: The Agreste mansion's repository. Gabriel is in front of Emilie's cryogenic pod.

Gabriel: Tonight, Emilie, our rings will once again be united. I've invited your sister and Félix. I have every intention of getting back what he stole from me.

(Gabriel wears the ring.)

Scene: Inside the Graham de Vanily car. Félix is watching the Ladyblog on his tablet.

Alya: (v.o) The Miraculous are magical jewels that give powers to superheroes, like Ladybug's earrings and Cat Noir's ring but the most powerful miraculous of them all is Fiery Fall's necklace. But supervillain Shadow Moth also has two Miraculous brooches in his possession, and they will give him his powers. We can figure out from this that the Miraculous can either make a superhero or a supervillain. It all rides on who wears it, which is why these jewels can't fall into just anybody's hands. That's all for today, guys! See you soon, and stay connected!

Félix: (puts down the tablet) I hope we'll get to see some superheroes while we're here in Paris, Mom.

Amelie: That would be pretty exciting, wouldn't it, darling? (gives a flying kiss) Mwah!

Scene: Interior, The Agreste mansion, Nathalie's room. Adrien enters the room and serves Nathalie her lunch.

Nathalie: Yes?

(Adrien comes in with prepared food.)

Nathalie: Thank you, Adrien.

Adrien: My father doesn't want me to invite my friends from school tonight.

Nathalie: But there will be some teenagers here like Chloé and Kagami and even Chloé's half-sister Zoe is coming.

Adrien: Yeah, but only 'cause their parents are members of his club.

Nathalie: These club members are influential people in Paris. They are very important to your father, Adrien.

Adrien: (sadly) And my friends are very important to me.

Gabriel: Adrien, can you leave us for a moment?

Adrien: Yes, father.

(Adrien walks out of the room, closing the door. Gabriel sits beside Nathalie and takes off his spectacles.)

Gabriel: I'm having a difficult time without your help, Nathalie. I realized now how many people it would take to fill your shoes.

Nathalie: You're not thinking about cancelling the party, are you?

Gabriel: I can't, the members of the club wouldn't understand. Also, Félix will be here with Amelie.

Nathalie: I've made a list of everything that has to get done tonight. (Nathalie hands him a tablet, while Gabriel puts on his spectacles.)

Nathalie: You'll just need to follow the instructions. The most important things are in red. (Gabriel scrolls through the list of instructions, on the tablet.) Check the staff's identities, make sure the robots are set to the proper program and don't forget to activate the cellphone scramblers, so the party stays private.

(Nathalie hands him a sandwich.)

Nathalie: Have you had lunch?

Gabriel: No. (takes the sandwich) Thank you.

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