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Scene: Cafeteria. Marinette is eating with Alya.

Marinette: Seriously, Ayla, I've tried multiple times, right?

Ayla: (nods) Mhm right.

Marinette: Of course, in the beginning, it was a total disaster like on Adrien's birthday and Scarlet did give his present with flying colours.

Scene: Flashback from "The Bubbler". Outside the school.

Marinette looked over from her hidden spot and watched the conversation between Adrien and Scarlet. As she gave her present to Adrien he smiled and blushed while she smiled at him which made Marinette feel gutted that she didn't have the courage like Scarlet's does.

Scene: Cafeteria.

Alya: (placing her hand on Marinette's shoulder) Hey, cheer up if Scarlet can do things so can you, you just gonna believe in yourself.

Marinette: But over time I tried to have a conversation with Adrien but I kept on forgetting about Scarlet's advice from that sleepover that we had.

Ayla: What did she say to you?

Marinette: she said...

Scene: Flashback from "Sapotis". Ayla's balcony.

Scarlet: (flashback) Marinette, have Adrien Agreste to love you is all you ever wanted is that right?

Marinette: (flashback) Yes all of my life.

Scarlet: (flashback) Right.... but have you thought about what he ever wanted?

Scene: Cafeteria.

(Marinette lands her hand on the table with shame, causing her small plate and glass cup to fall over, which Alya quickly respectively.)

Marinette: Maybe Scarlet's right I don't know him as a regular person but only when he was a famous model.

Ayla: Marinette, I know that your heart has been with Adrien since the day he gave you his umbrella. But hey you still got Luka anyway and you didn't stutter around him.

Marinette: that's true... I just want Adrien's attention so I can have the confidence to talk to him. Maybe becoming friends with Adrien is the worst thing that could've happened.

Ayla: Marinette don't give up on Adrien. You can't have love without friendship I believe in you.

(Marinette grows a warm grin.)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Scarlet enters the building with CJ as he gets a white bandage on his front left leg.

Scarlet: You know that I'm very proud of you at the vet today with Mr Césaire. (CJ grumbles quietly) you deserve a nice juice steak for dinner. (An annoyed CJ look at Scarlet and throws a small pebble at Scarlet's head) Oh, what? Do you want an apology for tricking you? (CJ yowling in protest) Is that why you're pouting, big baby boo? (CJ mimics Scarlets) Well... try this on! (pick him up and hug him) Ya feeling it yet? Huh? Feeling the love?

(Meanwhile with Marinette and Ayla)

Marinette: Okay! Adrien needs to see me in a new light! As more than just a funny duddy buddy. Not just a clumsy, babbling girl who trips over her words. I need to be different, so I'll be the apple of his eye, the girl of his dreams, the one! Then we'll finally be together! I'll jump for joy! We'll dance in each other's arms! He'll sweep me off of my feet- Ah! Then, we'll get married, have three kids, and a hamster named-

Alya: Marinette.

Marinette: A hamster named Marinette? That'd be weird.

Alya: (chucked) Girl, you don't see the beauty of your flaws. Your awkward gaga goofiness is what makes you special! Don't try to be someone else, be Marinette!

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