Furious Fu

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Scene: Scarlet's room. Scarlet seems slightly panicked as she is trapped in the bedlam of Kwamis pleading and reasoning with her while CJ watches them confused as he doesn't know what going on.

Mullo: But we wanna...

Sass & Pollen: We all missed Master Fu...

Xuppu: Hey! Let us visit him! Come on!

Fluff: Please!

Trixx: It's not fair!

Daizzi: Please!

Kwamis: Pleeeeeease!

Scarlet: Uh... You know why you can't come. When he made me the new Guardian, his memory was magically erased. Now, that my Grandpa Fu is just like everyone else. He can't know about the Miraculous, my secret identity or you Kwamis! (She picks up her purse and CJ's dog leashes) Come on, CJ, Furyy! Let's go. (The rest of the Kwamis, however, begin the argue with Scarlet again.)

Kwamis: That's not fair!

Ziggy: Why do big sis and CJ get to go and not us?

Furyy: I'm sorry, my brothers and sisters, but you know I can't leave Scarlet in case she needs to transform.

Trixx: But what if we hide too? Then he'd never see us! That'd be okay, right?

Daizzi: We just wanna make sure he's okay!

Xuppu: He took care of us for more than one hundred years before you were born, you know!

Scarlet: I know! But you're gonna have to let him live his new life with his soulmate! It's my turn to take care of you.

Wayzz: Scarlet, even so, you know that Master Fu trusted me to help him protect the Miracle Box and raised you when you were a baby. I was more than just his Kwami - I was his friend. And I miss him so much... (begins to sob)

Scarlet: (smiles softly) I remember how you calmed me down when I was a baby, Wayzz. It feels like it was just yesterday.

(Flashback) 13 years ago...

Scarlet, a one-year-old, was crying uncontrollably in her crib, and Master Fu was doing everything he could to soothe her. He tried winding her, feeding her, and changing her diaper, but nothing seemed to work. Master Fu was starting to panic, not sure what else he could try. As he struggled to calm Scarlet down, Wayzz watched from the sidelines. Suddenly, Wayzz levitated in front of Scarlet, and she slowly began to calm down and look at Wayzz curiously with her big silver eyes.

Wayzz approached Scarlet, who looked curious as he touched her tiny hand. Suddenly, Scarlet started babbling happily and reached out both arms to Wayzz. Wayzz was about to call his master, but Scarlet grabbed him in her hand and began playing with him. Wayzz was scared at first, thinking that she might hurt him, but she wasn't. Instead, Scarlet brought Wayzz closer to her and cuddled with him. Wayzz was surprised but happy, and he smiled and hugged her cheek carefully. Master Fu watched from a distance as this heartwarming moment unfolded.

(end of flashback) Back to the present day.

Scarlet: Those are the days (thinks deeply for a moment) Alright, you can come, Wayzz.

(The kwamis erupt into another discordant argument with Scarlet.)

Mullo: Why?

Trixx: Not fair!

Ziggy: I wanna see him!

Roaar: I wanna go!

Scarlet: I just can't take all of you at once! (The Kwamis sulk and question, while Furyy facepalms at their whining..)

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