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Scene: Scarlet's room. Scarlet is struggling, she can't figure out a riddle in the Miraculous spellbook while CJ is playing with other kwamis.

Scarlet: Furyy, I'm so confused! These riddles that my grandpa Fu left are too cryptic, I know that I've studied with him but this riddle caught me in the crossfire I don't know what it mean.

Furyy: Their meanings are hidden on purpose, to protect the secret of our magic powers.

Scarlet: Yeah but even I can't figure them out.

Furyy: Scarlet, we both know that Master Fu had trouble too with the first ones and remember, you were the one who helped him with the aqua power! I can help you.

Scarlet: (stands up, determined) You're right, let gonna figure this out together Furyy! (Xuppu and Mullo grab an apple)

Furyy: (to Xuppu and Mullo) What are you two doing? (They drop the apple on the keyboard, turning on the news)

Nadja: (on the computer) The city of Paris is getting ready to celebrate the famous Prince Ali's birthday— (Xuppu and Mullo step on the keys of the keyboard while struggling to move the apple and turn it to another news segment)

Alec: (on computer) This special report on the fascinating life of Adrien Agreste!

Scarlet: (Scarlet stops what she's doing and smiles happily) looks like Adrien is busy with his modelling life.

Scene: News segment on Adrien's life

Alec: We were able to spend the entire day with this famous, young model! (Adrien yawns while posing for a wax statue)

Vincent: (taking pictures of Adrien while he poses) Perfect! Just-a Stunning! Mwah! I need a smile more al dente! Haha!

Adrien: (performing on stage. Talking with a pencil in his mouth) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sarah: (judging Adrien) Not bad but could you do it for me with a bit more... orange? (Adrien laughs awkwardly)

Scene: Scarlet's room

Scarlet: (smiles) I hope Adrien is doing okay with his relationship with Kagami.

Furyy: (Suprised) I'm suprised that you are alright with this.

Scarlet: Yeah, ever since when we at New York, Adrien wanted another chance with me in our relationship, I do want a chance with him but I got Oliver and he's got Kagami and their parents think they are made for each other but I don't know why. I think we should stay close friends no matter what Furyy.

Furyy: Scarlet, your mind might tell you that is the best for you but your heart tells you that you are still in love with Adrien. (Scarlet looks at her kwamis softly as another news segment comes on)

Alec: (on the computer) Coming after this break we'll be looking at another special report on the fascinating life of none other than 'Fiery pop princess', Miss Scarlet Waters.

Scarlet: (abit annoyed) I hope they didn't bring up that commercial that I did about that perfume. Anyway, let's get back to business Furyy. (Furyy giggled)

Scene: Adrien's room.

Adrien: (sighs) What a boring day.

Plagg: Without even a lunch break. Ridiculous!

Adrien: (plays piano music from his phone to make it seem like he's practising) Finally! Free at last! Plagg, claws out!

Plagg: (holding a piece of Camembert) What? Oh no! (gets sucked into the ring)

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