🐦 Mr. Pigeon 72 🐦

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Scene: Scarlet's Room. Fiery Fall and Estella are experimenting.

Fiery Fall: Sure, it's amazing being Fiery Fall just like my mom and my ancestors. I've got these powers, The Titan, kwamis, but can you imagine I could've prevented Shadow Moth from creating villains in the first place? Ha! He'd be ruined! Have you noticed that Shadow Moth seems to re-akumatize people much more often these days? Do you know why? Because he gets to know them and figures out how to manipulate them better!

Estella: You're right. I was just suprised that your mom was Lady Phoenix back in New York and that your ancestors were American legends. Does your dad know about your mom being a superhero?

Fiery Fall: Well... no he doesn't know. But at least I got CJ and you to back me up (look at CJ as he was chasing a few kwamis around the room)

Estella: I knew you were hiding something from me and it drove me crazy.

Fiery Fall: I had to keep it a secret so Hawkmoth wouldn't use my miraculous and Terre for evil purposes.

Estella: So what will happen if he does do it?

Fiery Fall's miraculous glow began as flame came out and formed into Phoenix Titan Terre made out of the flame infront of Estella.

Terre: (flame Phoenix Form) It would be a lot of chaos and using my power could destroy everything in his path and destroy the entire world.

Estella: Would he have to tame you to do that?

Terre: (flame Phoenix Form) Well... if he wants my power but he has to go through me if he refuses there will be bad consequences the same thing with Scarlet's ancestors?

Fiery Fall: That's why I can't let shadow moth get to my miraculous and used Terre for evil.

Estella: I know girl. But now that I know the truth, I've got your back! (notices the large amount of times Xavier Ramier has been akumatized on the billboard) What? Mr. Pigeon has already been akumatized 71 times?!

Fiery Fall: He's just a harmless guy trying to take care of his pigeons. It's so not fair! I'd promised him I'd find a way to keep him safe from Shadow Moth, but I just can't figure it out. (groans) I don't understand this page in this spell book!

Wayzz: Scarlet, Your grandpa didn't understand much about it either, but he was able to do it with proper time and rest!

Fiery Fall: Oh! Hold that thought Wayzz, I think this is it! (sprinkles some pepper into the pot, causing an explosion)

Scene: The penthouse suite, living room. Danny react.

Scene: Scarlet's room.

Fiery Fall: Ugh, I think I got the ingredients wrong.

Trixx: Estella, help us reason with her, please!

Estella: Scarlet, how long have you been working on this?

Fiery Fall: I dunno, six to seven days, maybe ten. Now that we're on spring break, I finally have time to put my whole heart into it!

Estella: When was the last time you worked on one of your songs?

Fiery Fall: come to think of it, it's been a while since I've done some music recording, an album, and your dad hasn't spoken to me about a music video that I'm supposed to do.

Estella: Don't worry my dad hasn't forgotten about it, he just had to deal with lots of paperwork, I'm sure he will call you about it. Do you know what you need most right now? A break!

Fiery Fall: No way! No breaks until I find out how to keep Shadow Moth from re-akumatized people! (opens the jar and pours contents into the pot causing another explosion)

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