008. prologue

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The day of the Winter Fete of the year 425, a child was born. The child, who was small and fragile, entered the world amidst the cold and harshness of the season. However, despite his size, he quickly proved his worth and resilience. The father, a loving and devoted parent, held deep affection for his two children and his wife. Rhaella, his firstborn, was a spirited and headstrong girl with beautiful silver hair. Lukas, his second-born, was a stubborn yet endearing boy whose hair matched that of his father's. The presence of both children brought immeasurable joy and happiness to the father's heart, filling a void he never knew existed.

However, tragedy struck when those who were most precious to him were taken away without warning, leaving no opportunity for a proper goodbye. His wife and daughter were on a ship to Ketterdam when a Drüskelle ship attacked during a storm, killing nearly everyone on board.

As Lukas grew into adolescence, he developed a deep affinity for animals, often finding solace and understanding in their company more than in the presence of other humans. At the age of twelve, he experienced a series of vivid dreams that transported him to faraway places while he slept. Initially, these dreams frightened him, causing him to seek comfort and reassurance from his father. In the dead of night, with fear etched on his face, he would rush into his father's study, uttering the words, "Borov, borov. It happened again." Aleksander, always attentive to his son's needs, would quickly come to his side, offering words of comfort and affection.

"Sweet boy. Everything will be alright. I am here for you," Aleksander whispered lovingly, his hand gently stroking Luke's soft, dark hair. Luke, craving his father's presence and reassurance, would lean into his embrace, finding solace in the warmth and security it provided. This display of affection was a rare occurrence, reminiscent of the time they mourned the loss of Luke's sister and mother.

Luke vividly remembered the funeral, the empty coffins being lowered into the cold earth. It was a heartbreaking sight that would forever be etched in his memory. In that moment of hesitation and grief, Henrik, his uncle, whispered something in Kerch that resonated deeply within Luke's soul. "Your father needs you, now more than ever."

As Luke reflected on the years that Rhaella and their mother were alive, he couldn't help but wonder if their existence had brought true happiness to his father's life. His gaze shifted towards Aleksander, his eyes welling up with tears that silently streamed down his cheeks.

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word count: 433

hi, so this prologue has been rewritten hundreds of times, and i can't find a proper way to actually introduce the story, so this is all you get. this prologue was originally written in October of 2023 on a piece of paper while i was in class, so please take this with a grain of salt.

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