013. winter fete

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013. winter fete


milyy mal'chik = sweet boy
Sobachka = puppy

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Lukas was unenthusiastic. Before the Winter Fete, the palace was being readied. Guards stood at each entrance and exit while performers and vendors congregated in the courtyards. It resembled Maslyanaya nedelya, popularly referred to as "Butter Week."

The week before spring is known as "Butter Week," a Ravkan tradition. Noblemen would carry various goodies in a parade, such as cheese, bread, and cake. Although Luke didn't mind the complimentary food, in all honesty, he could have done without it.

Luke loathed gatherings, particularly those where the King and Queen were to be present. Unfortunately, much to his dismay, his father prioritized him to attend. He had a few friends, nevertheless.

Ravkan winters were always fun. The leaves fell, snow piled up on the ground, and some lakes and rivers froze due to the lower temperatures. When not busy, Luke would go down to the lake late at night with his friends, and they would play a small game of hockey, which often resulted in snowball fights.

On notably colder and snowier days, the evenings were often spent in the domed hall with Grisha swarmed around tile ovens, drinking kvas and feasting on sweets. They celebrated the feast of Sankt Nikolai, Patron Saint of Sailors and Lost Causes, with giant bowls of dumpling soup and kutya.

The Winter Fete was one of the most lavish gatherings of the year. At the Little Palace, all Grisha children were taught the primary curriculum and the Small Science until they turned sixteen. But, they were given a few weeks off for the Winter Fete. Noble families, high court officers, military heroes and foreign dignitaries would attend. Luke wasn't thrilled. And the Crown Prince, Vasily, would be there. It's interesting how he had the time between the horse races and the brothels.

"He devotes all his time to hunting, horses, and imbibing. Drives the Queen mad." Genya said, stirring her tea.

"Well, Ravka is at war. He should probably be more concerned with matters of state." Alina replied.

"Oh, she doesn't care about that. She wants him to find a bride instead of gallivanting around the world spending mounds of gold buying up ponies."

"What about the other one?" Alina questioned. She couldn't particularly remember the second prince's name.

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