011. the pretty sun

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011. the pretty sun

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"The General built this home for us so we can thrive," Genya said as the oprichniki opened the doors for them.

"Has a Grisha ever escaped?"

"Planning on making a break for it?" General Kirigan appeared in Alina's vision. Alina's eyes widened. She lifted up her veil.

"Uh, I didn't mean to..." she trailed off until she saw the Grand Palace. "Oh, Saints." The Grand Palace was beautiful. White marble steps climbed up to the main entrance. Everywhere were marble, gold, white, and pale blue walls. Exquisite chandeliers, polished floors, and footmen in the most beautiful clothing.

"I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I've ever seen," Kirigan said, walking out into the courtyard.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up. "Hey, if you're considering leaving, I know some places."

"Luke," Kirigan warned, turning his head to look at the boy. He gestured forward towards the Grand Palace. "Go."

"Right, sorry." And with that, Luke scrambled off.

Alina and Aleksander simultaneously entered the throne room. Alina appeared frightened. Grisha followed them in a swarm. "Tsar. Moya Tsaritsa." Aleksander bowed a bit in front of the King and queen. Alina followed suit and discarded her veil and hat.

"I thought she'd be taller." The King said with a blank expression.

"I thought she'd be more Shu." The queen spoke. Luke rolled his eyes at her comment. "Well, I guess she's Shu enough. Tell her, I don't know, 'Good morning.'" Once more, Luke rolled his eyes. Bitch.

"I don't actually speak Shu, Your Highness."

"Then what is she?"

"She is Alina Starkova. The Sun Summoner. She will change the future. Starting now." Aleksander spoke as shadows began to spread like spider webs up the walls. Luke found them to be strangely comforting. They seemed at home. The moment Aleksander grabbed Alina's wrist, light radiated across the space.

Luke cocked his head to the side and squinted his eyes. The lighting was lovely. The glow vanished into nothing when Aleksander released his grip on her wrist. Instantly, joy permeated the space. Everyone got to their feet and started applauding, even the King.

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