009. daddy issues and emotions

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008. daddy issues and emotions

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On our maps, the Shadow Fold is a black stain. A scar that serves Ravka in two. It was created hundreds of years ago as an act of vengeance by the Black Heretic. A man who could summon shadow. He was among those rare souls, the Grisha, who could manipulate the elements of this world.

The Fold locked East Ravka away from the seaports on the west. The east withered and became vulnerable to attack from enemy nations in the north and south. With their powers, only the Grisha were capable of crossing the Fold. They joined forces with the King in service to Ravka. They became the lifeline between the two sides of our country.

But they were still hated for the sins of the Black Heretic. Sins felt most deeply by his descendants. Old myths foretell of a Grisha never before seen. One who could destroy the Fold, reunite Ravka, and redeem our people.

A summoner of pure light.

And so we wait for the one who will deliver us from the dark place we made in this world. We wait for the Sun Summoner.

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"You are a saint."

That was something that Lukas Valtheos-Kirigan had been told ever since childhood. But he never truly knew what to think of it. He was no saint as the Apparat had claimed; he was just a boy. He hadn't saved the world or done any heroic deeds. He was just trying to live his life, as hard as that was.

Every aspect of the space in the middle has a sense of mystery and grandeur. The dark wood flooring provides a rich foundation, with its polished surface shining softly in the warm, ambient light that streams in via the big windows. The space is magnificently framed by these windows, surrounded by thick, dark wood panels.

The walls are painted a deep blue, lined with dark panelling. The ceiling had various constellations painted on it. A queen-size canopy bed with dark fabric and sheets sits in the middle against the wall separating the main room from the bathroom. Wooden bookshelves sat in the corner, books and trinkets on its shelves.

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