10 | Ni-ki - friends...

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AN: Please don't come at me for writing 'Niki'. I'll change it or use 'Riki' in new stories I'll write. Thank you.
Also, this is a story I didn't post on TikTok, so it's technically a 'new' one but I wrote it in March or April 2023.

You and Niki were best friends and you had the biggest crush on him, you couldn't deny that, yet you always tried to hide it around him but that was almost impossible since you fell so hard for him. You couldn't ever confess, you didn't wanna ruin the friendship.

One day you were at the guys' place and together with him you were watching some movies in the evening. But you two couldn't really decide what to watch, so you kept on switching between movies when either of you got bored.

Eventually you had enough and just turned off the tv. "Let's just get ready for bed and go to sleep?", you suggested.

Niki yawned and nodded. "Sure.", he chuckled and then got up in lighting speed. "You coming?", he asked, already leaving the room.

"Yeah yeah.", you quickly got up too and followed him into his room.

After both of you got ready for bed and laid down, he got closer to you. "What are you doing?", you slightly laughed and looked at him. "Cuddling you~", he put an arm around you and his head onto your shoulder. You could literally feel him calm down, as you just got more nervous, hoping he didn't notice.

"Good night, y/n.", he said and closed his eyes.

"Nighty, Niki.", you said and kept your eyes open, as you were too nervous to also fall asleep like this.

It felt like an eternity as you kept laying next to him, being awake but eventually you passed out too.

The next morning you were awake before him, he was still cuddling you, making you blush a little and even more when seeing his peaceful sleeping face and messy hair.

Your heart was beating like crazy. "If only you were mine...", you mumbled to yourself and kept on looking at him.

A sudden rush came over you and you leaned your head towards him, quickly kissing his cheek.

He cleared his throat which made you panick, so you quickly leaned back and pretended to be asleep.


Your heart was beating so fast, hoping he was still asleep but you weren't lucky.

"Y/N?", he said and was still holding onto you. You couldn't hide you weren't sleeping, he knew you were awake. "I know you're up."

"Hm?", you said and opened your eyes.

"What was that just now?", he asked seriously.

"What was what?", you tried to play it off.

He separated himself from you, sat up and looked down at you. "On my cheek. Did you kiss me?"

You nervously cleared your throat, "N-no. I'd never no that."

"Come on, I know you're lying."

That made you even more nervous. "Okay, yes, I kissed your cheek. Now what?" You looked at him and quickly away.

"Uhm... Why?"

"No reason, really."

"Got a crush on me or something?", he jokingly asked and slightly laughed.

You felt your tears coming. "No, I'd never fall for you.", you quickly said and got up. "Like never." You ran out of the room and locked yourself into the bathroom.

Tears started to fall, the way he asked it and laughed just hurt you. Sure, he couldn't know but it still hurt.

Like, was it so hard for him to imagine you having a crush on him? Was it so absurd? You put your hand on your mouth, so no one could hear you, hopefully.

"Y/n?", you could hear Niki knocking on the door. "I uh... so it's true?"

"Pff, no.", you sniffled and wiped away your tears.

You heard him sigh which just hurt you more.

You got up, opened the door and looked at him, desperate. "Is it so absurd to imagine me liking you? I mean, how can I not? You're practically perfect but all I'll ever be to you is a friend. It hurts, okay?"


He was flabbergasted and didn't know what to say at first.

"I... y/n... don't get me wrong, I like you as a friend and-"

"Friend... I know."

"I love our friendship... okay? Like, you having a crush doesn't have to change it..."

Your tears just kept flowing. "But it already has changed so much. And see? You don't even know how to speak around me like this... and I'm a mess too..."

"What are you saying??"

"I uh... I don't think we can keep on being friends like this. It hurts too much... I'm sorry..."

"What? No, y/n... please... I don't wanna loose you..."

You shook your head. "As much as I don't wanna loose you either, I think it's for the best... I can't keep on seeing you and not being in love with you, Niki..."


You went into his room, got your stuff and walked past him and to the entrance.

"No... please..."

You sighed and sobbed. "I'm sorry, Niki... I just can't do this anymore..."

"But what am I supposed to do without my favourite person?", he pouted.

You sighed: "You'll find another favourite who you'll, in fact, favor even more than me..."

And so you walked out on your best friend, the further you were away from him, the more it hurt you and the more you had to cry. You kind of regretted completely leaving him like this but it definitely was for the better... it would hurt too much to be around him like this... and to eventually see him being in love with someone else... you wouldn't be able to handle that.

And so your story with him ended that day.


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