11 | Ni-ki - never too late

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AN; don't come at me please for writing 'Niki'. I'm too lazy to change that in all stories that are already done. I'll change it or use 'Riki' once I'll write new stories. Thank you.


Niki and his recent partner broke up, so your best friend was heartbroken.

You hated to see him like this, he'd hide under his blanket, cry for hours and wouldn't eat or sleep.

You and his other friends were really worried, so you tried your best to show him you guys were here for him.

He wasn't someone who ever skipped practice, no matter what happened or not but you and the other members agreed on him staying at home, so you stayed with him.

With two mugs of hot chocolate you entered his room and put one of the mugs on his bedside table. "I brought you hot chocolate, maybe want a little bit?", you softly said and sat on the other end of his bed.

He just mumbled something and turned under his blanket.

You just sat there and drank your hot chocolate. "Jo doesn't deserve you one bit. You deserve so much better, really.", you said and sighed, you were mad at his ex, maybe even more than you should because you had secretly been liking Niki more than just a friend for a while now. And now seeing him so heartbroken it broke your heart.

"Oh really?", he quietly asked and shoved his head from under the blanket and looked at you with his puffy red eyes. You felt your heart aching at the sight of him.

You quickly nodded: "Yes! Like you deserve someone who really shows you how much they love you and treat you with respect and love every single day they're with you."

"You're just saying that..."

"I mean it.", you kept looking at him, "Niki, you're such a lovely, sweet and nice person. Whoever can't see that is an idiot, really."

Niki pouted a little and sighed: "Then why did they cheat?" After this he started crying again.


"Niks...", you softly said, put your mug away and got closer to him. "Need a hug?"

He just nodded and you quickly held him close, wrapping your arms around him as he cried and slowly held you close too.
You two stayed like this for a while until he calmed down and parted himself but still stayed close.

"You really think so nice of me?"

"I don't just think that, I know you're like that.", you smiled a little and put one of your hands on his cheek to wipe away the few tears that were left but kept your hand there.

Niki pouted and kept looking at you with his big eyes, making your heart melt and get a little nervous. You quickly took a look at his lips and then away.

"What is it?", he asked confused.

"Nothing...", you started.

"Then look at me...", he said and kept his eyes on you.

You slowly looked back at him.

He looked so soft, so charming even though he was so sad and had puffy eyes and all that. He looked like a helpless puppy, it made your heart crazy. You two were so close, you couldn't hold yourself back. You wanted to kiss him so badly, you just did. At first he didn't kiss back but then he did and it felt so good, his soft lips matching your rhythm, it felt magical.

But the magic soon stopped as he harshly parted himself from you. "Y/n..."

Your eyes widened, then tears filled your eyes. "Shit, I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have done that..."

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