chapter 2 spies

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* 20 minutes ago*

As grimlock left through the ground bridge, Optimus called for bumblebee and cliffjumper since they were the only ones in the base. A minute later, cliffjumper and bumblebee arrived

Cliffjumper: What you need prime is it the cons again?

Optimus: No cliffjumper it's about grimlock.

Bumblebee: beep boop bep ( translation, what about him?)

Optimus: he's going out for a walk. But I feel like grimlock is hiding something since he has been acting strange lately.

Cliffjumper: How strange are we talking?

Optimus: human videos stranges.

Cliffjumper: ok, fine, but why us, tho?

Optimus: Because you are the ones closest to him, so it might be for the best. If you 2 go and see what he's really up to.

Bumblebee: beep boop bop bop bep boop beep boop( translation: knowing grimlock. He's most likely to break things.)

Cliffjumper: Yeah, but there's only one way to find out. Come on, bee.

Both bumblebee and cliffjumper went into the ground bridge and started to look for grimlock.

Cliffjumper: How hard is it to find a 300-ton dinobot?

Bumblebee: beep boop bop boop beep bep bop beep.( translation: knowing grimlock He would always leave a trail.)

Cliffjumper: ok, yeah, Optimus was right something up with grimlock it's unlike him to go somewhere without leaving a big mess just as the cons.

Bumblebee couldn't help but laugh a little bit, remembering how much of mess grimlock made during a battle, making the place look like a war zone.

Both of them skill kept on looking for grimlock for about 20 minutes until Bumblebee saw grimlock with someone he couldn't make out what it was, but it looked like a fembot, so he tapped cliffjumper shoulder .as cliffjumper was about to ask what it was, but Bumblebee sushi him and pointed to where grimlock was.

Cliffjumper: Who is that? "he whispers.

Bumblebee didn't know who it was, but Gestures, cliffjumper to sneak up close to see what's going on. Cliffjumper nods, and both stealthily move closer to where grimlock was, and when they got close enough, they were shocked about what they saw. grimlock was kisses airachnid. Cliffjumper was caught off guard, and he tried to take a step back, but he fell off a large log he didn't notice earlier, thus making some noise. An that caught the attention of grimlock and airachnid.

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