chapter 12 comfort part 2

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* 20 minutes ago*

As grimlock took airachnid to the medbay to patch her hands up while still comforting airachnid atfer what happened as the others behind them. They all talked amongst themselves about what happened.

[Bumblebee] : beep boop bop ( translation:That was unexpected)

[Bulkhead] : I knew she hated airachnid for what she did, but to try and kill her was a bit over the edge.

[Wheeljack] : That may be true. But I do understand where arcee coming from, especially back during when we were in the wreckers bulk.

[Bulkhead] :yeah true but we all know the risk and come on, still, it was a little uncalled for.

[Wheeljack] : Your sparks in the right place bulk, but if that happened to you, I would have done the same plus She's an ex-con.

[Elita] : That may be true, but she's changed now.

[ Wheeljack] : ok, just because she switched sides does not mean she changed but she did save grimlock which I'll admit it may show that she has changed a little bit, but that doesn't mean that we'll can fully trust her yet.

[Ratchet] : Well, no one says you're wrong here, but we have no choice like it or not she's a part of this time.

As they continued arguing.Airachnid was starting to feel uncomfortable when others were talking about her, so grimlock turned around and gave them all a death glare not just any death glare the you fucked up glare so everyone just stayed shuts ups and stayed quiet until they got ti the medbay.once they were at the medbay airachnid sites down on the medical bed.

[Grimlock] : Ratchet, can you take a look at airachnid hands?

[Ratchet] : Of course, grimlock. And airachnid?

[Airachnid] : Yes?

[Ratchet] : I'm sorry if we made u feel uncomfortable or anything were all still trying to adjust to you being here now that you're an autobot.

[Airachnid] : it's ok. I understand it's hard to expect me as an atuobot now.

Ratchet smiles and checks airachnid's hands, seeing the damage arcee done. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad, nor severe, but airachnid couldn't use her hands for a week.

[Ratchet] : I have good news and bad news.

[Grimlock and airachnid] : What is it?

[Ratchet] : Well, the good news is the damage isn't severe, but airachnid can not use her hands for a week straight.

[Airachnid] : That's fine. At least it wasn't severe.

[Ratchet] : Yeah, now hold still. I have the patch of your hands. * Transforms his hand into a blow torch* This may hurt a little bit. Just try your best not to move.

Airachnid nodded as Ratchet slowly and carefully used his blow touch to fix airachnid hands as grimlock comforted her to make sure she didn't move, and so she didn't get sacred once he was done, he wrapped airachnid hands with bandages.

[Ratchet] : All right that should do. Now, you have to not use your hands for a full week. As to ensure the healing process runs smoothly. If you hear anything, let me or grimlock know.

[Airachnid] : Thank you, Ratchet, for everything.

[ratchet] : No problem, I'm the team medic after all. And besides, you're now a member of team Prime now. Didn't grimlock tell you yet?

[Airachnid] : Wait, yes, he said I was. I thought he was just saying that to protect me.

[Grimlock] : No, I wasn't just saying that to protect you. You're an official member of team prime now. We all had team votes, and now you're an official part of team prime.

Airachnid was shocked and happy she didn't know what to say and she started to tear up as she hasn't been accepted like this in a long time, not even when she was with the Decepticons.she couldn't help but look at everyone.

[Airachnid] *tears in her*: Is this true you all voted for me to join team prime.

[Bulkhead] : Of course we did, although some of us needed a bit more convincing.

[Wheeljack] : Yeah, it did take a little convincing for some of us, but regardless, we're stuck with you whether we like it or not. plus, you are Grimlock's girlfriend. So if you're cool with him, you're cool with us.

[Elita] : Besides, we could always use another girl on the team.

[Bumblebee] : Bop beep bop bep beep boop( translation, so welcome to the family)

[ ratchet] : Wow, slow down at what bumblebee. She hasn't made it that far yet, but yeah. Welcome to team prime.

Everyone laughed a bit when bee said that, but airachnid was happy and looked back at grimlock with tears of joy in her eyes in her eyes.

[Airachnid] : I don't know what to say.

[Grimlock] : You don't have to say anything. Just enjoy this moment. Enjoy the fact that will forever be together no matter what.

Airachnid couldn't help but cry, and hug grimlock, happy that she'll forever be with him and never be separated from him. The best part was that they no longer had to hide the relationship. She could finally be happy. Knowing that she'll be with her grimmy for the rest of her life.

[Airachnid] : Thank you so much, grimmy, for everything.

[Grimlock] No, thank you for being in my life.

[Airachnid] I love you so much, grimlock.

[Grimlock] I love you to airachnid more than you'll ever know.

Both gave each other a kiss on the lips as the others watched in aw and bulkhead, trying not to get emotional luckily, wheeljack. Was there the comfort the big lug from breaking down since Bulkhead gets emotional when lovers get together.

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