Chapter 11 comfort part 1

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As arcee made it to her and cliffjumper room, she laid down on the bed and cried, wondering if what she did was right?Wondering if it was this,what tailgate would have wanted? should she have let go of the past and moved on, she didn't know what to think she didn't even know what to do. She was scared, she felt helpless and Alone, she did want to let go, but a small part of her told her not to.

[Arcee]*tears on her eyes* : Why can't I let it go?

[Cliffjumper] : Because you're scared to let go.

Arcee turned around to see Cliffjumper and wips her tears away. As she do, want to show weakness to anyone, not even to Cliffjumper.

[Cliffjumper] : You know you can let it out right. I won't tell the others.

Arcee didn't say anything and turn the other way as she was still pretty mad at Cliffjumper.

[Cliffjumper] : I get it. You're still mad but not having to back. I know it hurts. Believe me, I really do, but you can't let the past haunt you, arcee. It's better to let it go.

Arcee said nothing but listened to Cliffjumper.

[Cliffjumper] : When I saw Airachnid with grimlock, I wanted to rip her apart. I really wanted to, but I hold myself back for 2 reasons. One because, well, she's a grimlock lover. I couldn't take that away from him. She means so much to him, just like how much tailgate meant to you.

Arcee grunts a bit but understands a little and continues listening.

[Cliffjumper] : Plus, grimlock would have ripped me a part apart. The second reason is that I knew tailgate would have done the same. If I died instead of him, I know you would try to avenge me, especially since after what star scream did to me, I could still feel his claws grinding my gear.

Arcee chuckles a bit but still tries to remain Stoic.

[Cliffjumper] : Look, my point is tailgate. wouldn't want you to get revenge for him. He would want you to live your life. He would want you to find someone else that makes you happy like I do, I know. Sometimes, I don't always have your back and always see other peoples perspectives before our own. But that doesn't mean I don't love you.

Cliffjumper walked up to arcee.she moved slowly so Cliffjumper could lay down next to her.

[Cliffjumper] : There's my girl.

Cliffjumper lays down next to her and wraps her in his arms, comforting arcee and sings a song that she Cliffjumper sings, arcee couldn't help but to sob a little bit happy that even after what she did and said cliffjumper still loved her even if she missed tailgate.

[Cliffjumper] : it's ok, arcee, just for once, don't be a soldier. Just be you for today, ok? Just let it all out please for me.

Arcee couldn't hold it in any longer and turns around and hugs cliffjumper tightly, crying every single tear out of her as Cliffjumper continues to comfort her.

[Cliffjumper] : That's it. shh, it's ok. Let it all out.

[Arcee] * still crying* : I...I m-m'miss him. I know I'm with you, but it still hurts to think about him. You remind me so much of him.

[Cliffjumper] : I know, and it's OK.I miss him too. I know why you became my spark mate because I remind you so much of a tailgate.

[Arcee]* still crying* : That and you were there for me back then and comforted me no matter what, and I Could never repay you for it but when you'd stood up for grimlock and airachnid relationship, it made me feel betrayed and felt like I was going gto lose my friends and you. I already lost tailgate. I don't need to lose you guys, too.

[Cliffjumper] : Arcee, you're never gonna lose us, and besides, I'm always gonna be here for you. That's what sparkmates do for each other to do for each other. And besides, I love you and would never leave you.

Arcee smiles as she still has tears in her eyes, glad that cliffjumper will always be with her even after what she's done. Cliffjumper wips the tears off her face and smiles back.

[ Cliffjumper] : And don't worry. I'll be right here every step of the way to help you recover from your trauma, just like the old days.

[Arcee] : Thanks, Cliffjumper. i really appreciate it. I'm so sorry for how I acted earlier. Can you forgive me

[Cliffjumper] : Of course i can, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You should be apologizing too, grimlock and especially airachnid after what you did no offense.

[Arcee] : None taken, and you're right, I should apologize to both of them. I let my temper get the best of me. let my anger get the better of me. I've been blinded by revenge for so long that I almost took the life of a new teammate.

[Cliffjumper] : Wait, you knew about that?

[Arcee] : Of course I did just because I stormed off, but it didn't mean I didn't hear what you guys said. The hallways always leave a long echo, so i heard everything.I thought you knew about that.

[Cliffjumper] : That explains how everyone heared us when we we're hav-

[Arcee] : Cliffjumper, no, we have to keep this pg 13 at least for now. Plus, that's for later.

[Cliffjumper] : Wait, I thought we weren't supposed to break the fourth wall.

[Arcee] : We aren't supposed to, but I'm doing it for the sake of contacts. An so that way we don't get In trouble with wattpab.

[Cliffjumper] : Okay, that's a good point.
So, are you ready to apologize to Grimlock and airachnid.

[Arcee] : Yeah, I am. I hope they can forgive me.

[ Cliffjumper] : I'm sure they will But grimlock will need a little bit more convincing.But I'm sure he'll understand. Come on, let's go.

Arcee and cliffjumper got out of bed and went to the medbay arcee hopes that they would forgive her She would understand if they didn't but only time We'll tell.

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