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"I'm so glad I ditched my date for this."


MONDAY, JULY 31st, 2024 (7:53 P.M.)

"Father, what a pleasure it is to have you in my home." Daria greeted Phillippe with her best fake smile. He doesn't attempt to give her a smile, only nodding as he stands up.

"Daria." Despite his hatred for his eldest daughter, Phillippe kissed her on both of her cheeks to properly greet her. "Thank you for having me."

"Oh, don't mention it." Daria waved her hand, "I do appreciate your attendance, considering you hate my entire existence." Daria grinned as she sat down in one of the armchairs. "Would you like anything to drink?" Phillippe returned back to his seat on the navy blue velvet sofa. Daria arched an eyebrow when her father shook his head.

"I stopped drinking." Philippe frowned.

Daria rolled her eyes. She knew he was bullshitting her. Since the beginning of time, Daria has always seen her father with a bottle of liquor. She recalled asking her mother if the bottle was glued to his hand. That question caused a huge fight between the dysfunctional pairing. Daria went to bed pissed off that night. Not because she couldn't sleep due to all the yelling and cursing - she never got her answer.

"You don't want to drink?" One of Daria's maids, Sue, entered the living room and held out Daria's glass of negroni on a black and gold platter. Daria took her drink while thanking her maid. "Sue, do we have any orange juice in the back?" Daria asked before sipping her drink.

"Daria!" Phillippe glared daggers at his daughter.

"What?" Daria leered at him with confusion. "Orange juice is really fucking good."

Phillippe scoffed, turning his attention towards Sue. "Water will be fine, thank you." Sue nodded before speeding to the kitchen. It didn't take long for both of the mafia bosses to silently pray on killing the other. The only audible sound in the room was Phillippe's aggressive breathing. Daria ignored it as she took another sip out of her glass.

Soon Sue returns to the room with a glass of water. She bites her bottom lip as she hands Phillippe his drink. He hummed with approval when Sue practically ran away. "Your staff is very weak, Daria." Philippe quietly announces, taking a huge gulp of his water. "Yet, I shouldn't be surprised. You aren't capable of running a mafia anyhow."

Daria couldn't help but giggle. Phillippe immediately stares at her with an arched eyebrow, "What makes you believe I give a shit about what you think? As matter of fact," Daria sets her glass down on the coffee table before sitting back in her seat. "Weren't you the one that contacted my people about needing assistance against the Russians?" Daria grins wickedly as she notices Phillippe clenched his fists with his breathing became heavy again. "Oooh! And aren't you the same fucker that sent your men into a trap that you fucking set up!!" Daria's voice bounced off the walls - scaring the maids who hid out in the kitchen. The veins in her neck made an appearance as she stood up, raising a finger in her father's face. "Don't you ever walk into my home and question my leadership ability! I've done more than you have ever dreamed of and have earned my respect in this business."

"From being on your knees and opening your legs? Yeah, that will earn you your respect." Philippe taunted. Daria instantly saw red and sent a striking slap at Phillippe.


Phillippe's head swings back so hard, he nearly falls on his side. Phillippe doesn't want to process the hit, rising up from his seat. Daria makes no move as he gets in her face, his nose flaring from rage. Daria only gazes at him with emotionless eyes, practically unbothered.

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