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"Actually better yet, I knew you couldn't handle it!"


TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 2024 (10:10 A.M.)

"You have arrived at your dest-" Daria immediately clicked out of Google Maps with a sigh following. Daria turned off her vehicle, stepping out of her BMW X4. Kelvin and her other bodyguards park behind her also stepping out. Daria slid her shades over her face as she sauntered towards where Kelvin had parked.

Kelvin rolls down his window once Daria arrives before him. She noticed his hair was not styled in a manbun like previously but now resting on his shoulders. Kelvin had a pair of shades over his eyes as well. His reasons for wearing them weren't like Daria's, who wanted to protect her eyes from the sun. "Stay out here - I don't want to make Bernadette uncomfortable." Kelvin simply nods as he watches Daria strode for the two story house. Daria ignores the stares from Bernadette's neighbors as she heads for the front door. She kept a hand on her purse, assuring she could easily take out her gun. Daria slows down her movements when she stands in front of the entrance. She sucks in a sharp breath before pressing a knuckle on the doorbell.

A small musical rang into the air - Daria's brows drew in together. The door swung open, Bernadette's eyes widened. "Daria!" Bernadette brings her hands to her face, happiness and joy hitting her like a tidal wave.

Daria forces a smile, "Hi, mother."

Daria gasps as she's surprised to have her mom hug her tightly. Bernadette's eyes begin to gloss from her incoming tears. She hardly notices Daria doesn't hug back right away. Bernadette pulls away, grinning ear to ear.

She couldn't contain her excitement even if she wanted to. Daria rarely visited her mother, especially after the Terrence situation. Five years have passed since Daria brutally killed Terrence. In those same five years, Daria has been dodging her mother. Daria may have deep love for her mom, but she also had deep hatred for Bernadette. Every time she saw her mom, she had to set a mental note that Bernadette was unaware of Terrence's true intentions. She needed to believe that her mom was naive and not as malicious as her father.

"Please, come on in." Bernadette sniffed, moving to the side. Daria nodded her head with a polite smile - walking into the house. Bernadette realized that Daria's men had been ordered to stay outside, but that didn't stop her from having goosebumps. Bernadette has never been able to hide her discomfort with the mafia lifestyle. As many dangerous people she has crossed, Bernadette would've never suspected her oldest to be one. Bernadette had only planned for Daria to be with a man who could protect her from Phillippe's enemies - not send her off to a man who also tortured her the way Phillippe's enemies would.

It broke Bernadette the day Daria had wanted her out of her life. Bernadette loved her children with all her heart and felt saddened when Daria questioned it.

Bernadette softly shut the door as Daria scanned over the modern home. "Beautiful home." Daria glanced at Bernadette, removing her sunglasses. "When did you move in?"

"About two years ago." Bernadette smiled. "I didn't want Serenity to get used to witnessing blood being splattered throughout the walls."

Daria smirked. "Mm, so all those times you didn't accidentally get your paint on the walls?"

"No," Bernadette giggles. Daria joined her mother in laughter without feeling the need to force one out. Bernadette soon clears her throat, her throat feeling all dry. "Would you like anything? I'm preparing breakfast for Serenity and her friends. I'll make you a plate if you're hungry." 

Iniquitous | Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now