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"Can you not act like a cat who's in heat right now?"


TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 2024 (2:21 P.M.)

"Holy shit, I can't believe it." Armando Gambini whispered. His eyes couldn't detach from the electronic device in his hand. Armando tried not to get all giddy inside as his wife, Alexandra, was taking a nap right beside him on the sofa. He bit his bottom lip as his smile attempted to creep onto his face. The news of his arch enemy being deceased brought nothing but joy and excitement inside him.

For over fifteen years - Armando had tried to remove Phillippe DeRose from the world. The fact that someone had actually managed to do it before him has made him a tad bit envious. He wanted to be the one to take credit for the demise of Phillippe DeRose.

Armando glances away from his phone when he hears the front door open. Footsteps are quickly echoed into the enormous mansion - Armando turns his head to find his eldest son, Alfonso. "My son, you've returned." Armando stood up as he shoved his phone into his pocket.

Alfonso Gambini smiles politely at his father, slowly nodding his head. "How was Florida?" Armando questioned - hoping to have a normal conversation with the man he will soon hand his empire to.

"Chaotic, per usual." Alfonso shrugged as he dragged his luggage towards the staircase. A few of the maids stopped him, insisting to take his belongings. Alfonso allows them so they wouldn't get the death stare from his father.

"I see you got a lot of sun this time." Armando followed Alfonso into the kitchen.

Alfonso hummed, "Not by choice." Alfonso opened the refrigerator and went for a water bottle. Armando had taken a seat at the island, and Alfonso sat across from him. Alfonso nearly finishes the water bottle in one go, wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. "Umm - how was the family while I was gone? Did I miss anything?"

Armando couldn't help but grin widely as he remembered the news from earlier. "Actually, you came back just in time. You remembered Phillippe DeRose, yes?" Alfonso arched an eyebrow, nodding his head for him to continue. "Well, it appears he was murdered last night."

"Nooo." Alfonso's eyes widened.

"I couldn't believe it either. Though, it looks like he pissed off the wrong person and that was the end of that." Armando pulled out his phone, passing it over to Alfonso.

Alfonso skimmed through the notification of how Phillippe was murdered and what may happen in the near future. "Hmm, it says here that he has two daughters and the eldest one will be taking over. I wonder how good she is." Alfonso passed the phone back over to his father.

Armando scoffed. "I wouldn't be concerned about that one, Alfonso. She has been leading the American Mafia, yet she hasn't done much with it. She won't be able to have control of both Mafias and be successful." Armando took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Alfonso watched as his father lit the cigarette. "She'll most likely end up just like her father. Dead and forgettable."

If there were one thing Alfonso hated the most in the world, it was a man shaming or threatening a woman's life. Armando had no respect in his bones if you weren't his family. He killed innocent people more than criminals and murderers. Armando was the definition of a ticking time bomb - Alfonso was also a ticking time bomb but in his own way. He has no tolerance for harming a woman and children. He has no tolerance for men who hide who they truly are in the dark while portraying a lie in the public eye.

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