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"I'm always feeling homicidal."


TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 2024 (7:45 A.M.)


Daria slid her finger across the screen of her phone. The sounds of her alarm immediately stop, the brightness of her phone disappearing in the process.

Daria's bedroom was pitched black - aiding her from getting adjusted to being awake. Daria slowly sat up, a low groan leaving her lips. She rubbed her eyes, yanking her black plush blanket from her body. Daria began to stretch the second she rose up out of her king-sized bed.

She drags her feet over to her bathroom, flipping on the light switch. Daria stopped at her sink, lifting the faucet, causing water to pour out. Daria bent over, splashing water over her face. It didn't take long for Daria to wake up fully as she applied soap throughout her face. Daria tackles her teeth, aggressively scrubbing.

Daria's aggressive scrubbing earned her a drop of blood from her gums. She scoffed, neglecting all the warnings her mother gave her about the temper she holds. Daria was a morning person, believe it or not.

She needed coffee in order to fulfill that role, however.

"Ms. DeRose," Daria splashes water into her mouth, removing the rest of the leftover toothpaste.

"What?!" She answers, shutting off her faucet.

"Breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes." She recognized the voice, noting it was her personal assistant, Marisol Vines. Daria walked back into her bedroom, finding Marisol all dressed in a white buttoned satin shirt that was tucked in a pair of black slacks and white flats. Her jet black hair was in a high ponytail with strands of hair left out on both sides.

Marisol's cheeks suddenly become rosy as she realizes Daria is not as dressed as her. Marisol slaps her hand over her eyes, "Oh! I am so sorry!" Marisol says with embarrassment. Daria raises an eyebrow, bewilderment written all over her face. "I thought you were all ready-"

Daria interrupts Marisol with a small laugh. "It's alright, Marisol. I should be all ready, actually." Daria silently sighs, her eyes going straight for her teal lace pj set. The cropped top barely covered her breasts as the shorts engulfed in her curves. Lyra had gifted the set to Daria in early April when she returned from her trip. Daria practically vowed never to wear it to bed, yet the tempting outfit caught her eye the night before.

With Marisol's reaction - she was thinking of keeping it for future occasions.

"Umm, did you have a rough night?" Marisol asks, her hand remaining over her eyes.

Daria nodded. "Yeah. I think I may have two coffees this morning." She slides her hands down her face.

"Ooo, good thing I have your first coffee all ready." Marisol points in the direction of Daria's nightstand. Daria chuckles at the giant sticker Marisol slapped on the cup. She makes her way over to her awaiting coffee, and Marisol peaks through her fingers, eyeballing Daria's behind.

Marisol may not go all the way with another woman - that fear never stopped her from admiring another woman's body.

Especially her ass.

Marisol covers her eyes once she sees Daria take a sip out of her coffee. "Umm, is there anything you may need, boss?" Daria was about to say no until an idea popped up.

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