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"Mmm, yes. I'm very big on taking care of myself, Mr. Botero."


TUESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 2024 (12:58 P.M.)

"Five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred and eight hundred." Daria neatly stacked up the large amount of 20s in her hands. She glanced up from the cash, smiling up at Kelvin. "This should be enough, yeah?"

To Daria's shock - Kelvin wasn't joyful in the slightest with his bonus. Daria stared at him puzzlingly when Kelvin looked away from her. "Is something wrong?"

Kelvin inhaled a sigh, removing his black shades. "Boss, I don't think eight hundred is the appropriate amount for what I did earlier."

Daria bit her bottom lip, her attention drifting over to the stack of cash. "Hm, yes." Daria sets the eight hundred dollars aside and unlocks her drawer with a key. Daria is met with a whole pile of cash once again and begins counting another two hundred. Kelvin balls his hands into fists as Daria adds to his previous amount. "Forgive me. This should be good." She held out the money to a more displeased Kelvin.

Kelvin shook his head, "Boss, you misunderstood me." Daria arched an eyebrow. "I don't want the cash."

Daria blinked rapidly, almost not sure if she heard him correctly. "What? You don't want it??" He nodded his head, making her eyes widened with disbelief. "Mind telling me why you refuse to accept my generosity?" Daria placed the cash in the center of her desk - giving Kelvin the chance to take it. She leaned back in her white leather office chair, slowly tapping her fingers on the arm rest.

Daria stared intently at Kelvin, who hid his nerves better this time. Daria was still intimidating for him - he didn't believe that would ever change. As her main bodyguard, he was aware he needed to push his nerves to the side and keep a nonchalant expression at all times.

"It's not that I don't appreciate your generosity, boss. I frankly don't find it necessary for the extra cash. You pay me on a weekly basis to do a job, and that's what I did." Kelvin said in a rushed tone. "I know you're only showing me your appreciation by giving me the bonus, but I really don't want it. I knew what I signed up for the moment I became your bodyguard, and I will never expect anything in return." Kelvin practically made himself lose his breath, forcing him to stop speaking until he regrets saying any more.

"Which is why I'm willingly giving you this." Daria arose out of her seat, walking around her desk. Kelvin stood completely still as Daria walked up to him. She held her arms behind her back - smiling softly. "You see, Kelvin - with the life we both are a part of, it's almost rare for everyone not to be filled with disappointment. Today, you proved to me how well you can take orders without any further thought. Within that same moment, you have shown me your loyalty. And loyalty is more worthy in my life than water." Daria admitted. She looked behind her and picked up the stack of cash. She inhaled a breath and exhaled calmly. "Please, take my generosity while you still can."

Kelvin broke eye contact with Daria, glancing towards the cash. To both Kelvin and Daria's surprise - he breaks and takes it from her. A satisfied smile creeps on her face as Kelvin shoves the money in the inside of his blazer. "Thank you," He mumbled without looking straight at her.

A soft hum left past her lips, "You're welcome. Oh, and another thing," Daria returned back to her chair, smiling big up at Kelvin. "I have also decided to increase your pay." Kelvin gazed over at Daria with scrunched eyebrows. She couldn't help but adore how his face hardened at the mention of her increasing his paycheck. It made her appreciate Kelvin more that he wasn't money or power hungry like the rest of her bodyguards. "I hope you don't mind. It was only a couple of bucks."

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