Chapter 6

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The next day,
This was supposed to be the last day of the shot . Everyone except for Minho showed up at the shooting location ,where they were going to do the shoot.

The shoot was supposed to be conducted outside, but suddenly it started raining, so they had to wrap up their set up and keep their shooting equipment at the gym which was near the location.

"I guess it's not going to Stop raining anytime soon", changbin said. While Everyone else was busy doing their own thing,in the meanwhile

han approached changbin who was working on something on his laptop.

"Hey, changbin hyung, why didn't Minho hyung come today for today's shoot?",han asked.

"Because he had some errands to run", changbin replied typing something on his laptop.

"And he had no role in today's shoot according to the script so I let him go", changbin said."I see", han said.

"It's fine then", han said. "shit", changbin said suddenly ." what happened hyung?",han asked.

"The memory of the SD card is full and my laptop also doesn't have space and we still got some parts to shoot", changbin explained.

"That seems like a problem, but do you have any hard disk to store the remaining shots " han asked

. "I was going to buy one on the way but i forgot ", changbin explained.

"Then I guess I will go and buy one because we still have time due to the rain ", han said.

"Here is the money for it do you have an umbrella with you?", changbin asked while handing the money to han . I have a spare one in my bag, han said.

" Go to the electronic shops near the 45th subway line they offer cheaper rates", changbin said.ok fine han said that and he went outside in the rain.

He was waiting for the train at the subway with the umbrella in his hands.

The train arrived and he boarded it and sat on one of the seats.
Because of the rain there weren't a lot of people.

There was a person who was sitting right in front of han,that person was wearing a mask and he was looking at his phone.

The person was wearing a white t shirt with a navy blue checks shirt and a pair of loose jeans.

That person seemed similar so han was staring at him.

Suddenly ,both of them made eye contact and that person took off his mask.

"Minho hyung?", han said surprised." Han?"Minho said ,"where are you going, Hyung?" ,han said.

"I am going to the shop near the 45th subway station to run some errands" ,Minho said ,putting the phone in his pocket. What a coincidence.

"I am also going to the same place".han said."Why are you going there?"Minho asked." To get the hard drive for the shoot", han explained.

"I can accompany you as we are going to the same place",Minho said.
Ok then , han said.They get up on the station.

Do you know any good electronic shops nearby ?han asked. "Ya, let me take you there",Minho said.

both of them walked together to one of the electronic shops nearby.

Han started looking for the hard drive. Both of them were looking at the different devices on display.

Han was looking at the electronic devices on display. while Minho was looking at the cameras.

"You know ,This shop also provides second hand vintage cameras for sale", Minho said holding one in his hand , "do you like photography ",han asked.

"Ya, it's my hobby to take photos of the things that i find interesting", minho said putting the camera in its place."Then you must be skilled in it",han said.

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