Chapter 3: Caught

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Summary: You should not have drank that drink.

Slowly, your vision returned. You rolled your head about, left to right and back again, the muscles in your neck aching. You were laying on something soft, though not as soft as the mattress at your home. This wasn't your bed.

A dull pounding could be felt in your skull. You tried to move your hands up to press against your head in an attempt to alleviate the pain, but you noticed you could not properly move your arms.

Were you still paralyzed by the drug? Whichever drug had he given you? Did it matter? He had you fooled with the easiest method there was. Drugging your drink. And you hadn't even been at a party, you wryly thought. Okay, no need to chuckle about that, that was a bad joke.

"I see you're awake," his voice, low and husky, came from somewhere behind you. You froze, realizing you weren't alone and that your silent chuckling had given away your now awakened state.

"I apologize that I had to tie you up." Confused, you tried to move your arms again, and there it was. You had not been conscious enough before to realize what you'd been feeling, but now the chafing of rope against your wrists left no room for doubt. Albert had tied your hands together. You finally managed to crack your eyes open and look down at yourself. Thank God you were still dressed, even if it meant you were still wearing that stupid uniform that revealed already a bit too much. He did seem to have taken your shoes and socks off. Probably didn't want to have the bed dirtied by them.

Looking down, you could now see the rope that crudely tied your hands together.

"I'll get you something more comfortable soon," he had the audacity to sound remorseful, like he wasn't the one who had come up with this idea to trap you here. And where was here even? You could feel a softness behind your back, solid, like a mattress made for someone twice your size. Sturdy. You tried to sit up.

"Normally, I keep my company in the basement, but," an awkward giggle escaped him. One you had heard before, when he was wearing the mask in the movies. This did not bode well for you. "You know, it is occupied. So I had to improvise."

And indeed, as you looked up, you spotted him, standing in the corner of what appeared to be a bedroom. Of all places! Your heart skipped a beat but not in a good way. You realized that you'd fucked up. Instead of being the heroine, you had now placed yourself unwittingly into the role of the victim. Dread it! This was not how it was supposed to go.

But wait? If he said the basement was occupied, that meant you had been right. One of the boys was down there. You had to rescue him, no matter what.

You finally managed to sit up, arms in front of you while your legs fell to the side. The rope that bound your wrists was longer, attached to something at the bedside. You thought it might be bound around one of the legs, ensuring that you could not leave the room – or bed, you thought in alarm. You would have to try that, once he was gone. You'd have to try and see what limits your movement had.

"I suppose you're thirsty," Albert said, eyeing you from behind that ridiculous mask. At least it was only the top half, so you could still see the pointed teeth when he grinned and added, "again," as if to mock you for your choices. And he was correct, if you had not asked for that stupid drink, thinking that it could distract him and buy you some time to rescue the boy, then you would not be in this situation. Whatever this situation was.

Had you really thought yourself invulnerable because of your looks? Because, he had not ever taken women before, had he? He was supposed to take only boys. Did this mean he would kill you now? Or toy with you and keep the murder for later? There was no way to say. You knew so much about this character, but had no idea what he'd do off script, when a situation was presented to him that had not been in the movie. Like a girl snooping around his premises wearing a short skirt, offering cookies, and coming in for a drink. Heh.

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