Chapter 24: He's Ready

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Summary: Finney is all set to commit the final act. Why did you tell Albert?

In the damp basement, your stomach was twisting again. Finney was eating from the tray while looking up at you. And you were smiling down at him as a silent sign of comfort and safety. You would protect him as well as you could. He need not fear the Grabber's antics when you were around. You'd be his guardian angel.

Behind you, Albert stood restless in the doorway. His quirks had increased as days had gone by. No doubt his brother's search was unnerving him. And then there was the issue of Finney. It was clear that Albert was struggling with his conscience and held a certain regret for having taken the boy. Not that he felt pity in some way, you thought. But he regretted that you tried so hard to keep Finney alive, while he wanted him dead and gone. It was visible by the darkness in his eyes and the way his fingers tightened on his folded arms, crinkling the sleeves of his shirt.

Albert was afraid to be found out. And Finney was living proof of his vile deeds.

"Stop looking at her like that," Albert's gruff voice surprised you and you looked at him from over your shoulder. His eyes glinted behind the darkness of the mask. Angry, you thought. Possibly upset.

"Like what?" Finney piped up, mouth full of eggs. He wasn't afraid to talk back, even after being in the basement for days now. You thought he found most of his strength in the dead boys who talked to him and showed him how to break free. It had only been a day since your private talk, but a day had been enough to make the final preparations. Not long now, you thought. It would not take long or Finney could break free. You just needed Max to be gone.

"Like a goddamn puppy in love," Albert said through gritted teeth. Finney instantly shot up to his feet, careful not to really stand on his left.

"You're jealous? You old creep. You're angry because you are jealous," Finney started by shouting, but then seemed to realize what he said and quieted down. He looked at Albert, both staring at each other quietly.

Then Albert huffed and turned around. You watched his broad back and were reminded of the many times you had seen him shirtless. You would miss that. You would miss him when all of this was over and done with. Whether he would end up dead or in jail. You'd still miss him.

Somberly, you stared down at the now empty tray and bend over to pick it up. You flashed Finney another careful smile, then made to turn to go after Albert. But Finney stopped you in your tracks by whispering confidentially to you. "I'm all set," he said, voice soft so Albert wouldn't hear.

His preparations were done. Your eyes shortly fled over to the place where the trap must now be. It was well hidden for you did not spot it. You gave a quick nod so Finney knew that you understood. Then, you hurried over to Albert.

You expected for him to be at the door, ready to go up. But instead, he stood in front of it, blocking your way. His hands on his hips. "Now," he didn't sound amused. "What was that about?"

Shit. Had he seen you communicate? Had he heard Finney's words? He reached out with his left hand to brush his thumb gently past your lips. You started to tremble, the empty plate tinkled on the tray.

"He's ready to kill you," you whispered while guilt crept up in your chest for outing Finney like that. But, it was the truth. And it was a thing Albert already knew. You'd told him about this and had reminded him time after time in the hopes that he would let Finney go.

Behind you, Finney stretched to try and see and hear what was going on.

Albert's eyes were ablaze now. "Then tell me how to stop him." His voice was louder. You knew Finney could hear him.

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