Chapter 17: The Truth

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Summary: Finally, you speak up and reveal the truth.

Morning came and you awoke to an empty bed. Voices drifted towards you from somewhere in the house. It was hard to hear, because the television was still switched on, but it sounded like Max and Albert were having a conversation. At times you could hear them laughing.

You tried to move into a sitting position but flinched at the pain you felt in your lower regions. Albert had been particularly harsh with you last night and there was a sharp pain between your legs. It was like having been taken for the first time all over again. You were just grateful there had been no blood involved.

Speaking of blood, you realized you hadn't seen your moon blood since you got here. You thought it was due to arrive someday soon now. If it came at all. Another sign of the poor nutrition you were given by him. You supposed your bodily functions would just stop, as you had read could happen to women in times of famine and war.

The television was switched off. "You be careful, right?" you heard Albert say. A bark by Samson. You imagined either Max or Albert was running a hand through his fur right now.

"I will," you heard Max reply. Then a pause and some sizzling from a pan in the kitchen. The door must be open then if you could hear sounds from there. "What are you making? Another pause, then a disapproving, "Are those eggs again? You sure as hell love 'em to make so many."

Of course, the eggs. A grin spread on your lips. So Albert was caught cooking. "Mind your own business," came Albert's gruff reply.

A huff, probably Max. "I'm just glad you got some fruit in. You never really ate that."

You frowned. Did that mean that Albert had been stocking up fruit especially to feed you? But that was improbable, right? Why would he?

Max's voice broke you out of your contemplation. You shifted, another sharp pang from between your legs had you grunt and bite onto the blanket to muffle the sound. "You gonna enjoy your Saturday at home or visit that place I suggested to you yesterday evening? Karen is really nice, if you don't fancy going out with Sharon."

A grumble that you could not really discern, probably Albert. And then Max again, on the defensive, "All right, all right. You already got a girl, I know. Geesh, you might consider giving her a call, Al. I think you need to get laid more. You're such a grump."

If only he knew. There was the sound of rustling for a moment, then things got quiet. You looked down at yourself and hiked the shirt up to reveal deep purple bruises in the shape of his hands visible upon your thighs. That bastard. You hoped he wouldn't want to get laid again anytime soon. Though you knew how low the chances were for that.

Then you heard Max again. "You enjoy yourself. I'll be home for dinner. Got a criminal to catch. See you later, Al."

"Would you mind making an extra stop to get us some more beer?" Albert's voice had a certain tease to it. You imagined it was another way of his to ensure himself of as much time without Max as possible. A crafty little trick to keep him away from the house for a little longer. "We seem to be running out."

"Uh, sure, Al," Max said, "Will do." He really had no idea then.

"Good," Albert sounded pleased. "Good luck catching that Grabber."

And then the front door closed.

For a moment you lay waiting in silence. With no sounds from the television to distract you, and no other noises from the house, you were left to imagine what Albert must be doing out there. Then you heard the sound of plates clattering. He hadn't made it easy for himself, you thought, by keeping not one, but two hostages in his house.

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