2 Its all my fault

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The surgery takes 8 hours, finally i'm down to the last cut. I cut and blood rushes out. "Shoot." I say as I try to stop the bleeding.

I see arizona's face she looks so worried. I mange to stop the bleeding when Riley flatlines. "Arizona." i call out. Arizona comes and helps. "Charge to 200." She says. "Clear." Nothing. "Charge to 300." "Clear." Nothing again, no no no this can't be happening. What did I do? What did I do? "Clear." Arizona says a final time "I have a heartbeat." She says.

I sigh with relief. And thank whatever god is out there for letting this little girl live.


I'm so thankful Riley's ok, I mean I knew Amelia would save her, she's brilliant, and beautiful, and sexy, and perfect. Ugh I gotta stop thinking about Amelia.

As I'm scrubbing out Amelia walks in, I hug her. "I knew you could do this." I say with a huge smile on my face. She starts smiling too. "Thanks I couldn't do it without you."

Why did I hug her? Did she even like it? It seemed like she did.

"How's your brain tumor kid?" Sofia says walking up to me. "Great shepherd did great work." I say back still smiling. I wanna tell Sofia how i feel because i tell her everything, we're so close. "How are you doing." I ask. She's been back for a week since the accident.

She shrugs, "Good, I guess." "What's wrong?" I say. "Nothing, it's just weird to be back, I mean I almost died and I feel I don't know, different." She responds.

I put my arm around her. "Listen, I have a CABG with pierce tomorrow, wanna scrub in?" I ask. Her face lights up. "Yes, of course, thanks mom." She says while hugging me. "I gotta go, trauma in the pit." She says as her pager goes off. "Bye she says while running away.

This day is going so well, till i look at my pager 911, Riley coltan.


I run into Riley's room, she's seizing. "What's wrong." Her mom yells. "Im not sure." i say

I push lorazepam, as Arizona runs into the room. "What's wrong?" She says out of breath. "She had a seizure, im gonna take her up for a CT."

As soon as i say that she flatlines again. "She's not breathing." Arizona says. "Code blue." I yell and the code team comes over. We eventually restart her heart after many attempts, but we need to keep her on a ventilator.



"Riley Dawson, 1 week post op, 6 years old, diagnosed with a glioblastoma in the her frontal lobe. last week doctor Shepherd operated on he removing the entire tumour successfully. then she seized, unresponsive ever since." Zola says perfectly.

"Thank you doctor Shepherd." I say nodding at her.

"When will my baby girl wake up?" Rileys mom says with tears in her eyes. "its unclear, so far. look Sarah, we're doing everything we can. but the seizure caused damage to Rileys brain, and there's a chance she might not wake up." I respond back.

I leave the room before, she starts crying. I know I should stay, but its just too painful. she should've waken up by now. I must have done something wrong. I wanna cry, but I can't, i can't fall apart not here.

I walk down the hallway and find an empty storage closet, I sink down and cry. I try to think of every possible conclusion on why she isn't awake. she could've had a stroke, but the scans show no sign. maybe I didn't take out the tumour?

suddenly I hear the door open. "occupied." I say while wiping my eyes. "sorry, are you ok?" its Arizona, she comes and sits down beside me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I respond while getting up.

"Amelia." she pulls me back down. "what's wrong?" she says while wiping my tears away.

"She should be awake by now, I must have down something wrong." I say while looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

She hugs me. "you did nothing wrong, you're an amazing neurosurgeon. you and I know mistakes like this happen all the time. we can't control them. don't beat yourself up about it.

I cry into her shoulder. "Thank you." I say, resting my head on her shoulder.


"Oh crap."I say, opening my eyes and jumping up. I look at my phone "We've been asleep for 3 hours."

Arizona laughs. "Shoot, I have surgery in 10 minutes."she says back. I grab her hand and pull her up. She walks towards the door and opens it.

"Wait." I yell.

She stops. "You forgot your pager." I say while picking it up off the floor.

"Lifesaver." she responds laughing while she leaves.

As the door closes I can't help but smile, I just fell asleep, with her!

Amezona, its never too lateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora