5 Kisses and lies

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Maybe it's how gentle her kiss is, or how beautiful her eyes are, but in that moment, i feel completely safe. In Amelias arms no one can hurt me.


Ugh it's my pager. "What is it." Amelia says waking up. "Just my pager." I say while getting up, I put my shirt on and look at her. "So what are we?" I ask her. "We're dating I guess." She replies. I kiss her and answer my page.

This makes me so happy. Last night echoes through my mind all day, this feeling no one can take away.

"Someones happy." it's Callie, she's looking up from her charting grinning at me.

"What, oh, yeah." I say smiling.

"Wanna share." she asks putting the chart down.

"Nothing, just, happy." I say.

She puts her hand on mine. "Look, I'm sorry." she says. what's she talking about? "for what." I say extremely confused. "For the last 20 years, for how I've been a jerk to you these past few weeks, I'm sorry." she says looking in my eyes.

I pull her into a storage closet. I'm about to talk, when she kisses me.

What the fuck, why's she kissing me. But what I wonder more is why do I like it.

I try to resist but I can't, I like Amelia, but I missed Callie. So I kiss her back.

My senses kick back in and I push her back. "Wait, Callie no." I say angrily. she looks confused. "I thought that-" I cut her off. "You thought what? That we'd get back together? You divorced me, you gave up, and now what you honestly think I wanna get back together?"

"Well yeah." she responds.

I can't help but feel bad, yes she did divorce me but what we had, it was special. But what I have with Amelia, I can't lose that.

"Callie, I love you, I will always love you, but i'm not in love with you. I'm sorry, I..I have surgery to get to." I say opening the door and leaving.

later that day I walk into the attending lounge and Amelia's sitting at the table on her phone.

"Hey." I say "Hey yourself." She says back. "So you heading home?" i sit down and ask her. "Ya, why, wanna join?" I smile and nod.



I'm driving home, with Arizona by my side. I can't help but look at her beautiful features in the dimly lit car. She's just so perfect.

As we walk into my apartment she gasps. "What?" I say. "It's just, your apartment its so nice!" I laugh, "Eh it's nothing." I tease. She goes and sits on the couch and pats it "You know this couch is very comfortable."

I go over to sit on her lap and kiss her, we watch an old movie and snuggle, and end up falling asleep."


I yawn, "What time is it?" I say looking down at Arizona, she picks up her phone "nine." "NINE." I say as I race to get up "Fuck we're gonna be late for work."

We arrive at the hospital around 10, Meredith does not look happy.

"Where the hell were you?" She shouts. Arizona smirks and walks away. I look back at Meredith "You missed your surgery." "Sorry Mer, i had a late night, I was busy." I say. She scoffs. "Amelia, are you ok, were you drinking?" "No, no I just didn't really sleep last night." I say back. "Ohh, ok Amelia sure." She says as she walks away.

"Sure" what did sure mean. does she seriously think I relapsed?

I grab coffee and head to the attending lounge, where Maggie and Meredith are sitting down talking.

"Perfect timing." Mer says when I walk in. "Sit down." Maggie says. I sit down.

"What do you guys want?" I ask yawing.

"Amelia be honest." Merediths face goes completely serious.

I scoff. "Yeah, of course."

"Are you using drugs again." Mers face goes completely white.

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