6 Drugs?

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I laugh.

they look at each other.

"Amelia we're being serious." Maggie says with a concerned tone. I stop laughing and say. "No, of course not." I pause and look at them. "Wait did you really think I was using?"

"Honestly Amelia I don't know what to think with you anymore. You've been so distant lately, and we're worried because we love you." Mer says while grabbing my hand and smiling.

"Im not using I promise." I say smiling back.

"Ok, do you want the truth?" I ask. They both nod.

I sigh. "Ok, so I'm seeing someone, and uh..that someone is a girl." I say looking down.

Meredith and Maggie both looked shocked.

I feel tears coming to my eyes, why aren't they saying anything? Do they not approve of it? They probably don't, I mean it's sudden. Wait, but they're my sisters and they can't judge me for this.

I look back up at them and say "Look I get it if this upsets you, but frankly this isn't about you guys. I'm finally with someone that makes me happy, and if you guys can't accept that-" Meredith cuts me off. "Amelia, this is amazing"

"It is?" I say with a puzzled look on my face.

"Why would we be upset?" Maggie asks.

"I don't know, i just." I look at my watch. "You guys are my sisters and, if you guys didn't accept me then, you guys matter a lot to me." I say looking back up.

Maggie and Mer both come over and hug me.

"You don't need to hide things like this from us Amelia, we would never judge you." Mer says

"Sister lady chiefs!" Maggie yells.

I smile, I want to tell them everything, but I can't.

"Amelia what's wrong?" Meredith asks while sitting back down.

"What if I'm not cut out for this the whole girl on girl thing. Or what if I hurt her, I have a reputation of doing that, I could relapse and then I'd really hurt her. What if this was a really bad idea, what am I even doing. This is all new to me, I don't know what to do. I think this was a mistake." I blurt out panicking.

"Talk to her." Meredith says. "I..I can't, she won't understand." I say while sighing

"And you think we will?" Maggie laughs.

I laugh too. "Look Amelia, you don't need to freak, just because it's new doesn't mean it necessarily bad. You can do this, even though it might scare you." Meredith says reassuringly.

"Mers rights Amelia, and listen if you really like this girl you won't screw it up. Don't let your past determine your future." Maggie adds on.

I laugh, I love these two, they always know how to cheer me up.

"Thank you guys, I don't know what I'd do without you." I say while smiling.

We all get up and Maggie opens the door. "So who's the lucky girl?" She says while putting her arm around me. "You'll find out eventually." I say with a big smirk on my face while walking away to the elevator.



I can't stop thinking about yesterday, why did Callie kiss me? Well I know, she thought there was still something between us. Which there isn't. She ended things, she gave up. I still wanted to fight for us, but she didn't.

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