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Omg, im such a fucking idiot. How could i do that KISS HER. She pulled away. I mean it seemed like she liked it, but then why did she pull away. And what does "I can't" mean. I stand in that on call room trying not to cry, but i can't help it.


"Hey." Amelia says coming up to me. "Hey." I say back not looking her in the eye. "So are we gonna talk about yesterday?" She asks. "What's to talk about." I say while walking away. She pulls me into an on call room

"You kissed me." She says. "Yeah, it was dumb, I shouldn't have done it." I say back.

"Arizona look at me." She says, i stare into her eyes. "I..I liked it." She says making my heart beat so fast i think im gonna pass out.

"You did." I say confused. "I did." She says back. It's just i can't. Everything's so messy right now." She says sighing.

"Yeah." I say slightly hurt but she liked it that's all that matters.


Over the past few weeks me and Arizona become close, not close close, if you know what i mean, but friends. I know she likes me, and i like her, but life's so messy right now.

We hang out a lot, we watch movies, we go to the mall, we eat lunch together. And i know what everyone's thinking because people are having sex every other second at Grey Sloan, but we're not. Well not yet.

just the thought of her makes me smile. she's just so perfect, her ocean blue eyes, her silky blonde hair, her precious smile. I get lost in my thoughts.

"Shepherd." Callie yells snapping me out of it. she pulls me into. stairwell.

"Um, yes?" I ask slightly confused what she wants.

"I'm gonna ask your something, and I need the truth." she says her voice quivering.

I nod.

"Are you screwing Arizona?"

I can see the hurt in her eyes, I mean technically we're together but not officially.

My face goes white. "No, no no, we're just friends nothing more." I say so quickly. "You're not lying?" She says back.

"Callie there's no need to worry, we're friends, nothing more, and never will be." I say back. I hate lying to her but I can't tell her the truth. She lets out a sigh of relief. "Phew, sorry, it's just rumour have been going around, and I thought and. anyways, it's just rumours."

"I gotta go check on a patient, bye." I say lying to her. "Bye." She says. I walk away and find Arizona, i find her in an on call room asleep.

"Hey, Arizona, wake up." I say shoving her. "What time is it." She says while rubbing her eyes. 

"Doesn't matter." I say back. She sits up.

 "What's wrong?" she asks. "Well so I was talking to Callie." I say. "Wait, Callie, Why?" She says She's so cute when she's worried.

"She thought that we were hooking up, that's crazy right?" I say while laughing. "Yeah crazy." She says back also laughing. 

We both stop after what feels like years. "Amelia I-" I don't let her finish as I pull her in, I kiss her with tongue, embracing her. She pulls me in closer.

Then I take off my shirt, she kisses me down my back. She pulls off her shirt and kisses me. I feel a rush of emotions, I never want this moment to end.

She unties my pants and kisses me all the way down. "Fuck yess." I say as I clench the sheets so tightly.

Amezona, its never too lateWhere stories live. Discover now