9 I love you

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I walk into the lab where Kai is sitting and say "You're right London is too far for long distance, and I spoke to teddy. Nothing is definite but-" they cut me off "You can't quit your job for me." "No, I didn't. She's expecting some research funding. You could move here." I continue.

They frown "Amelia, we work because of the long distance, because you get to spend half your time with Scout and the other half with me, and the two don't overlap." They say.

"So this is about my kid?" I ask, slightly hurt.

"No. From the minute I told you about London, which is the biggest career opportunity of my life you have made it about you. There were no words of encouragement, no congratulations, no acknowledgments of how hard I worked for this. This is about you and me being at very different places in our lives."

Hearing this hurts me, maybe I was selfish, but I couldn't lose Kai they meant too much to me.

"I love you, that is still true." They say, I can see they're telling the truth in their eyes, but it still hurts to hear.

"But-" they try to say but I cut them off.

I look at them.

"But. That's what people say..before they abandon you." I say my voice breaking, then I walk out.


"Amelia, Amelia." Arizona says while rubbing my back.

"What?" I say.

"Are you Okay?" She asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I say, contradictively.

"Amelia." She puts her hands on mine.

"I said a thing, and then you kind of blacked out. If you're not ready, I understand." She says, I can hear the pain in her voice. "Talk to me, what's wrong?" She asks again.

"I told you, nothing. I'm ok, just tired, I was in surgery all day I need to sleep." I snap back.

"Okay, I'll let you sleep then." Her voice breaks, then she gets up and opens the door.

"Look, I meant what I said." She says as she stands in the doorway. "I love you."

3 tiny words, that's all they are. But those 3 tiny words mean so much.



"Why didn't she say it back?" I ask April as we're standing outside the NICU.

"I don't know, maybe she's not ready." she answers.

"No, but she didn't say anything, she just acted like I never said it." I try not to overthink but my thoughts get the better of me. I try not to panic and April notices that im worried.

"Arizona, don't freak out. It probably just surprised her." She says as she puts her hand on mine.

I nod. "Anyways I'm got to go, I'm being paged to the ER." She says.

Amezona, its never too lateWhere stories live. Discover now