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Giyuu was stuck in this extremely dark place, he couldn't feel anything either. He was just floating in a dark place with nothing at all it was like he was stuck in a void. Suddenly an illuminated door appeared out of nowhere that lit up the entire place. Giyuu thought this was it, he was finally gonna meet everyone in heaven. He entered the door slowly just to be hit with a wave of cool breeze. 

His eyes jolt open trying to adjust to the light. He tried to look around and somehow the place felt really familiar to him. It was just like Urokodaki's house except it looked way newer like it was when he and Sabito were there and were being trained by him. It was weird he thought heaven would be more of a garden of flowers and plants or like the sky where you could see only the clouds and maybe people finally reuniting with their families.
His vision finally became clear and then he saw he was in bed and there was someone next to him. A boy with peach-colored hair and a scar near his mouth... "Sabito!?" Giyuu screamed surprised to see him next to him."Ohayou Giyuu-kun, how was your sleep?" A girl with short black hair came into the room. Giyuu didn't know her but it seemed like she did which was weird. " Are you ready for training today?" She asked. Training.. huh.. he was really confused now, where was he? how did he get here? he even had his hand back now?? Then he remembered. "Well, I was just thinking .. if we get a chance to redo everything and have a chance to change the past .. would you?" He said putting a serious face on. Was he really in the past with memories of the future? Only one way to check... "Umm... what's today's date again," He asked nervously. The girl looked at his face with a look of suspicion for a moment then replied "It's XX, X, 19XX" The girl answered.

 Giyuu has traveled 12 years back into the past. He did it but who was this girl he thought. Then the girl told him to wake Sabito up and come for breakfast. "Ok..." This felt weird for giyuu. He was gonna be talking with Sabito after so many years after 'that' incident where he thought lost his best friend forever now here he was right in front of him, asleep."Oy sabito wake up!!" Giyuu tried to shake him a couple of times only to remember how much of a deep sleeper he was. He wouldn't wake up sometimes even if Giyuu would bring an entire band to play loud music.  "Sabito!! wake up we have to practice if we wanna go to the final selection tomorrow" He sighed. Giyuu wanted to know if he still kept the strength he had in the future or did he have to train more to get till there again. Had he kept the demon slayer mark? Was he gonna die when he turned 25 again? No wait not again he was just teleported to the past... Giyuu poured water on the boy now. He was tired of shaking him and hitting him. 

"Giyuu!!! I told you not to wake me up this way." The boy rubbed his eyes to get the sleep away. His friend was really in front of him, he couldn't help but tear up a bit after all he was seeing him after 12 freaking years."Woahh why are you crying yuu!!?" Sabito started panicking after seeing his friend in that condition meanwhile giyuu was happy to hear the stupid nickname his friend had given him." Did I do something..?? Oye yuu answer me! Did you hit your head or something? Where is Mokomo by the way?" Mokomo, so that was the name of the girl seeing his face when he said that name it seemed like those 3 were really close friends and it looked like Sabito had a crush on her.. how cute he thought. " ... she went with Urokodaki-san to get breakfast ready after that we need to go train." He said wiping away the tears quickly. "And the reason your crying...?" Sabito asked with a concerned face. "It's nothing I was just missing nee-san Sabito" He quickly lied although it wasn't completely a lie, he was gonna have to wait a couple more years before meeting his sister."Alright...Let go Mokomo will kill us!!" He said while dragging Giyuu.

It had been a while since Giyuu had fun with his friends so he just let himself loose and tried to enjoy this opportunity he got. Sabito and Mokomo would occasionally glance at him because of the sudden changes. It's like their cute and innocent friend had suddenly turned into a mature adult." ......Urokodaki-san I wanna enter the selection tomorrow" Giyuu said suddenly which made everyone turn toward him. "Giyuu my son I already told you three if you cannot slice the boulder you cannot participate in the final selection tomorrow," Urokodaki said a bit worried about Giyuu's sudden interest in participating in the selection. " Right.. we both need to train more to slice the boulder yuu," Sabito said sweat dropping." I... I think we can slice it today though." He said a bit confidently. "Let's see then," Urokodaki said.

Everyone gathered near the rock to see Giyuu in action. They were a bit worried but Urokodaki had trust in him. He saw something different in his eyes, something had changed and maybe that thing would help him. 
Giyuu tried to get his breathing under control and stared at the boulder  ... he found it! the weak point of the boulder!! now.. "Water Breathing: eighth form ..Waterfall Basin" He strikes the boulder and surprisingly he was able to cut through it easily.. guess he really did retain his strength from the future but it was weird to have his hand back again after all this time it was kinda hard to get used too now. He just needed to find out if he also retained the mark. "Woah.. that was awesome yuu!!" Sabito said hugging his friend." It's my turn now.." Sabito got ready in his place and stuck the boulder with the fourth form Striking Tide. He was able to cut through it too. Giyuu knew Sabito was always holding back but now ..he didn't need to cause he was much stronger.

"I guess you kids are ready for the final selection," Urokodaki said. "Prepare for tomorrow then you guys will need a lot of rest if you want to survive. There will be a lot of demons so be careful. It doesn't matter even if you don't behead any just try to stay alive" He tried to advise. . Giyuu remembered this was the same advice he gave the 2 of them when they were about to leave for final selection. He smiled. " Don't worry Urokodaki-san we 3 will come alive and safe" Giyuu assured.
Urokodaki didn't know what happened to giyuu but seeing him being confident for once made him happy and he believed in them that they would all come back alive and maybe one day become a great hashira.

"I believe in you guys," He said

Hey guys I've been thinking after I finish this book (its not gonna end anything soon if I'm gonna go 1 chapter per week but like I'm thinking maybe 2 chapters in one week now yea) what type of book should I write .. i thought maybe one in which the hashiras get teleported into each of theirs past for a day they can't interact or change things but they can talk to the past self of their comrade to traumatize them. What do you think??

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