Mission failed...?

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"So what the hell were you and  Oyakata-sama talking about Tomioka?" The wind hashira asked heartbroken."Kanae's going to die? Your from the future? Who the hell are you?" Sanemi said grabbing Giyuu by his collar. " Wait Shinazugawa listen to m-"  " Don't try to reason with me right now. Just tell me the truth." Sanemi was really mad now. He let go of giyuu. " My estate. Sharp 5 pm Tomioka. You better be there after all we have a lot to talk about." Saying that he left Giyuu alone with his thoughts. Giyuu had no way out of this, he had to tell him the truth now I guess.

"Hey, yuu! How was the hashira meeting today? " Sabito said. He had come to pick Giyuu up so both of them could go eat at his favorite restaurant today. " It was ... fine, let go now," Giyuu said going ahead. " Woah there calm down you've been running away a lot from me today let's just go eat at *insert restaurant name*, you love the food there anyway" Sabito then dragged his friend even if he wanted to say no cause... Friends are friends.
Ok, so Giyuu didn't entirely hate the hangout since 2 of his favorite things were there. One, his friend Sabito.. although he had come back into the past and changed a couple of things he still didn't get to hang out or get any proper alone time with him. Two, his favorite meal salmon daikon. Giyuu spent most of the afternoon with Sabito enjoying himself and he was smiling. He tried not to think much about Sanemi and decided about what he was gonna say to him. Giyuu was too lost in a conversation with Sabito that he didn't realize when he accidentally bumped into someone
"Hey watch it!! you can't just bump into some- .. Tomioka?" It was Shinobu. "Oh hey Kocho it was nice seeing you here ... gomen I didn't mean to bump into you I wasn't looking ahead because of this idiot!!" He said pointing at Sabito."Great then both the Idiots are friends no? "Shinobu said laughing. Sabito and Giyu just stared at her and then looked at each other. "Well, I got no more time to waste now so I'll take my leave annoying fox mask guy and his idiot friend" Saying that Shinobu gave an annoying smiled and then made her way towards her home."Damn must be lucky and unlucky to have a girlfriend like her Yuu I mean she's cute but annoying at the same time..." Sabito commented. "Cute!? she's anything but cute she's like a mosquito" Giyuu said surprised by his friend's words. "Ahhh I see ... but u still admit that she is your girlfriend" Sabito teased. "The hell!!?? I never said that and that mosquito will never be my girlfriend" Giyuu said all flustered. "Well, you never denied it when I said it before..." Sabito said. "Whatever .... " Giyuu looked at the sky it looked about close to 5 o'clock so he had to hurry to the Shinazugawa residence. "Alright sabito I have a short meeting with Shinazugawa I'll join you and Mokomo for dinner a bit late so maybe you guys can have it and like man seriously when are you gonna confess it's been 2 freaking years if you don't do it soon someone else will take your girl" Giyuu teased as payback for earlier and ran away from him .. again.

"Your 5 minutes late," Sanemi said annoyed. "Gomen .. I was with Sabito earlier and he distracted me so I arrived a bit late..." Giyuu apologized. "tch.. fine forget it come in and tell me the whole story .. don't you dare leave out anything think or else I'm gonna kill you later on" Sanemi threatened although he knew he wasn't gonna and wasn't allowed to do it. Sanemi might have been a bit unlikeable because of his attitude and anger issues at first but once you get to know him he's a nice guy who just wants to protect his friends and get rid of all demons so nobody else has to suffer the way he did. After he overheard Oyakata-sama and Giyuu's conversation he knew he had stick by Kanae even if what Giyuu said was false. He didn't want to lose another important person in his life because of a stupid demon again.
So Giyuu spent the next 2hrs explaining everything that would happen in the future to Sanemi of course even though Sanemi had threatened him to not leave out anything he still had to since he didn't know how he would take the news about Nezuko. Sanemi was motionless after knowing that only Sanemi and Giyuu were the ones who survived the battle. He wanted to get rid of all the demons in the world. He had lost everyone he cared about in that battle ... even Genya... "So ... you're telling me that only you and me survive... even Oyakata-sama dies... Tengen survived as he retired a year before so he didn't take part in the battle.."  Sanemi didn't know how to take in all the news at once. He knew exactly when how will all his comrades would die. He was glad he could prevent it but at the same time, he kinda felt bad for the Giyuu and the other him who had to go through it.  "I.. I'll help you save everyone" Sanemi said softly. Giyuu stared at him shocked for a moment. "T-thanks Shinazugawa ..." was all he could muster. "I'm trusting you with Kanae's safety, you better bring her back with no injuries Tomioka" This was the first time Sanemi entrusted him with something so Giyuu knew he had to do well. "I'll save her Shinazugawa, after all i still have my strength from the previous life..." Giyuu said at he stared his hands and clenched his fists." If i could manage to figure out how to use my mark and red blade again I'll kill that demon so it doesn't go anywhere near the butterfly sisters" He said determined. ".....Alright fine get out now its late i need sleep," Sanemi said and kicked Giyuu out of the house before he could say anything. "wha-"
"Great... i was gonna ask if he wanted to train together.. i guess next time I'll ask and I'll also get him ohagi for him" Giyuu said thinking of the situation in his mind and smiling.

The next day Giyuu went early to the site he and Kanae were going to meet up hoping that if they finish the mission early and go back early there could be a chance they won't encounter the upper 2 but the possibility was almost impossible.
"Woahh Tomioko-san your quite early" Kanae said surprised to see him. She was kinda hoping that she was gonna be the early one but not this time i guess. "Yeah ... Lets go now Kocho" Giyuu said running towards the assigned place. "You know Tomioka-san , until yesterday i didn't get the news of a joint mission so it was kinda surprising for me."Kanae said trying to make conversation with the half-mute water hashira."It was kinda sudden for me too" Giyuu lied. "Ara~ then this is interesting." Giyuu just nodded. 

They were halfway done with their mission when they heard a woman scream. Both of them looked at each other before heading towards the direction of the scream. Giyuu knew it was the upper 2 because from what Kanao told him he seemed to like to eat only women...  he couldn't avoid the battle anymore he had to fight to protect both of their lives. Giyuu suddenly stopped in his tracks. In the midst of the huge forest, there stood a tall building. It seemed like some sort of nice and warm cult or shrine but he could feel the presence of a very strong demon inside. He knew even Kanae could feel his presence. "Let's... go inside .. " Giyuu said. "Right .. I'll my crow to send some backup just in case" Kanae that and started whispering a few things to her crow and then sent it away to get a bit of help.
Giyuu and Kanae could feel the presence getting stronger as they got closer to the center of the building. The insides looked like a place of worship. It was hard to believe that a demon owned such a holy place. They could get the smell of decaying bodies and blood all over the place. It was all women. So kanao was right. "They didn't deserve this," Kanae said sadly. Giyuu agreed.

"Ahh... Looks like I got a few unwanted visitors..." A voice from behind them suddenly said. They could feel the place getting colder and they could feel the chill in their spines."Kocho get behind me right now" Giyuu ordered. Seeing him get so serious made her realise the situation. They were fighting against a uppermoon. Kanae did as Giyuu told and got behind him but still kept her guard. She faced his backside so she block the attack if there were to be attacked from the back. "Such a beautiful girl ... I'm gonna save you by preserving your beauty inside of me forever," the demon said that and attacked Kanae, luckily got in between and stopped his fans from getting any closer to her."Upper 2..." Kanae read his eyes.
 "I'm sad now .. why don't you guys just let me do my job is peace, I'm saving her, and your interrupting... i might have to kill you now" Doma said and attacked giyuu with the fans he was holding. He remembered inosuke telling about how strong they were but he was able to avoid because of his special technique. Somehow it was kinda getting harder to breathe ... Wait! Kanao had said something about not breathing in the ice particles too since it may kill you. "Kocho! don't breathe in the particles there poisonous" He warned her. "It seems you realized. You two must be hashiras..things just got much more interesting!! I get to kill two hashiras how fun." Doma commented. "Blood demon art: Scattered Lotus" He used his demon art. "Kanae watch the ice and stay close to me" He warned her. Giyuu had to stop the impact of the demon art somehow... "Total concentration, 11th form: dead calm" A hail of ice shards came towards them. He tried to deflect as many of them as possible but the injuries they received were still pretty bad. Giyuu had many cuts in several places and his uniform was stained with blood.Knae was fortunate enough to make it out with only minor injuries. As giyuu's main focus was to protect Kanae as he had promised Sanemi to keep her safe. He was gonna keep that promise even if that cost his life. "3rd form: flowing dance" Giyuu moved like small currents in a stream , gracefully striking the demon's defence but he only manged to cut parts of the demons outfit at best. He still needed to get stronger to beat him. "Alright play times over now I'm tired and the sun is about to come up soon lets get rid of you now" Doma said suddenly and attacked the both of them full speed. He was able to dodge his attacks until the last blow directly to his chest. "Damn it...." He was losing blood fast. Giyuu needed immediate medical attention otherwise he was gonna die. He was even losing conscious. The last thing he heard before his vision went bury was Kanae screaming. Had he failed to protect her? What was he gonna tell Sanemi now was all he could think of before he closed his eyes. 


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