Chapter 15

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"So Ex-General, Do you wish to challenge a royal order of the knights?"

"You ignored the plight of your own people! Yet you call yourself knights?" Raphtalia glared.

V signaled her to keep her mouth quiet. "The 'Royal Order' of yours is not nothing less than royal if it wasn't ordered by the Royal Family. I remember there were rules that the First Generals, King and Queen had placed that the safety of the people of the Kingdom was the top priority beside the safety of the Royal Family."

The Knight glared, "You have no say in this."

"V, enough." Naofumi said as V was about to say something.

"You've gone so low that you start following his orders."

"But Master Naofumi--"

"That's enough out of you too."

"That's right," The Knight said. "Be good and maybe we won't slay you by mistake and won't say anything about this to the King."

"Yeah, you're right. Being good and watch you become some monsters' dinner doesn't sound that bad!" As Naofumi said that, a a big monster was behind the Knights.

They looked behind them and was shocked, "Men! D-Don't panic! Formation!"

The monster was going to hit him but was stopped by Naofumi, " How about a honorable death in battle?" He sarcastically asked, "Raphtalia! V!"

"Right!" They both said, attack the big monster and took down some of the smaller ones.

"Go! We will buy you some time, go and protect the villagers near the foot of the mountain."



. The other heroes were working together fighting a monster. Not minding anything else.

The skies had cleared up, the monsters stopped appearing.



The villagers had come to a nearly destroyed village, some houses still standing most got cut in half. Raphtalia took care of any remaining monsters while V was taking charge of everything like the resources, taking care of any of the injured and head counts of the villagers.

"Master naofumi," Raphtalia walked up to him "All the monsters in the village have been defeated."

"I see."

"Have we... won this fight?"

Naofumi looked up to the sky, "Hero and his party! Thank you for saving us." The non injured or not seriously injured thanked him. "Without any of you, none of us would be here."

"No. We didn't do anything to help."

"No," The villagers disagreed. "You were here, and so we survived."
"And for that you have our eternal gratitude."

"Whatever you say," Naofumi turned away, his head facing towards V talking with the Village chief.

"They thanked you," Raphtalia said.

"Yeah they did..."

"There are around 35 people who were not injured, 10  missing, 25, seriously injured and 30 with minor injuries. 5 people.." V sighed, "Dead." She said to the chief.

"We've reduced the number of people who will end up like me," Raphtalia heard V.

"You did a good job," Naofumi felt Raphtalia's unease.

"I killed a lot of monsters.."Raphtalia didn't want to cry but still had tears come out, Naofumi placed his hand on her head and gave a small smile.




The sand in the dragon hourglass had ran out, it flipped itself and it had restarted the countdown for the next Wave.




At night the King held a feast for the heroes, "Heroes! You have done well in your deeds! Tonight we hold a feast in your honor!" He raised his cup, "We pray that you will enjoy it to your hearts content!"

Everyone held up their cup except for Naofumi, V went off somewhere as usual.


V made a portal to a camp, she walked towards the biggest tent. "My queen," She knelt down and handed her a letter. "Those are the plans I have managed to obtain."

"Great job, V" She took the letter from her hands. "How is the Shield hero?"

"He has taken in a slave from the slave market. The Shield Hero treats her like a daughter." V smiled, "We managed to save a village, the other heroes I do not know what they did during the wave."

"You did your job, which was to protect the lives of our people." V nodded, "Go. Before your friend must be getting suspicious."

She got up and left.


When she arrived at the castle no one was at the banquet hall. V heard noises from the training ground. Just as she got there Naofumi and Motoyasu were fighting. "Naofumi!"

"V?" He turned around to see her but was hit by Motoyasu.

She looked around for Raphtalia but she couldn't find her because of the crowd standing. V jumped into the small arena, got out her sword to attack Motoyasu. "Where is she?"

"Raphtalia was taken away when they found out she was my slave." Naofumi blocked the attack from the Spear hero.

"Step away from the battle, V" The king commanded. "This is a battle between heroes."


"I am your King! You listen to me," He said.

"You are no king to me," She threw a dagger that hit the side of his throne which was close to his face. "Don't even try 'I was like a father to you' act."

Guards soon surrounded them, weapons aiming at V. "You just had to aggravate them?" Naofumi asked sarcastically.

"Look, I'm not in the best mood right now." V rolled her eyes, "I'll stay out of your way. Get my little sister back." She quickly ran off, guards chasing after her.


Just bored and making a new story.

Word Count: 917

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