The Smile That You See

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The smile that you see
is who you take me to be.
But the smile is only evidence
because what you observe is just my defense.
It says how hard I must try
when all I wanna do is cry.

Do not always blindly believe
for your eyes can easily deceive.
But don't take this as a cry for pity.
All I want is for someone to really see me.
I simply crave understanding
because being the person you see is very demanding.

The smile that you see
is not who I want to be.
The smile has always reflected
all the emotions I've always neglected.
It says I care more than I should
when my actions are still hopelessly misunderstood.

I'm angry, I'm hurt, I'm sad, and ignored,
yet still optimistic, hopeful, and repeatedly restored.
I'm happy and I'm sad and I'm nothing at all;
my heart always guarded by an invisible wall.
But as much as I am emotionally unstable,
to everyone, I'm rationally, reasonably, sensibly able.

The smile that you see
is who you take me to be,
but underneath that big fake beam
lies the wavering self esteem.
The smile that you see
is what protects me from my own reality.

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