Before I Leave

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She said, "Everyone is brave."
She said, "Everyone is strong."
She said, "But a good person knows when to cave
and admit when they are wrong."

She said, "Don't be afraid."
She said, "There's nothing to fear."
She said, "Even when we fade,
we are still here."

She said, "The ability to love is a pearl."
She said, "Don't take it for granted."
She said, "A child knows nothing upon entering the world,
and love is a seed that, to become a tree, must be planted."

She said, "Everyone has a story."
She said, "Everyone is complex."
She said, "We cannot be accusatory
without, first, having context."

She said, "You are the future."
She said, "You can decide what it will be."
She said, "You're a surgeon who can suture,
and the world's your patient having surgery."

She said, "Most things are simple."
She said, "Most people are not."
She said, "While things can be had for dollars and nickels,
our trains of thought can never be bought."

She said, "I don't have all the answers."
She said, "Most of life doesn't make sense, dear."
An inoperable tumor and no cure for cancer,
and now she's no longer here.

And I sat in awe and dismay
at just how much wisdom she always displayed.

She said, "You are more than you believe."
She said, "Do not grieve when I leave."
She said, "Because I have loved and I have given.
It's your turn now. Take your life and go live it."

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