Isn't It Lonely?

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Isn't it lonely
taking on the world
on your own?

Do you ever stand,
staring into space,
wondering what it's like
to share the burden?

But you'll never understand
because, even if you wanted that,
there's no one standing by.

Isn't it lonely
giving just to get,
just to end up with nothing?

Do you ever think,
if they really cared,
wouldn't they notice?

But you'll never understand
because, when you stop giving everything away,
they all become ghosts.

Isn't it lonely
pushing everyone away,
just in case?

Do you ever wonder
if someone could change your mind,
if it could be different this time?

But you'll never understand
because you're too afraid to be broken again
that you'll never live.

Isn't it lonely
suffering in silence
with the flashbacks,
panic attacks?

Do you ever imagine,
if you stopped running away,
someone could hold you, rock you,
make it all better, make it all go away?

But you'll never understand
because survival is all you know,
and you won't—you can't—take any chances.
You can't let go.

Isn't it lonely,
clenched teeth and white knuckles on the carousel,
cynical as hell,
knowing you're the only one to care if you fell off?

Do you ever beg
where's my knight in shining armor,
a light, an angel sent to save me from this fight
against myself and these hazardous coping mechanisms
that only seem to scar and burn,
causing more damage than everything before,
more than everything they were created for?

But you'll never understand
because you're the only one,
the dark and stormy knight,
who can stop this downward, black hole spiral into rock bottom,
and climb down off the carousel.

But isn't it lonely?

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