My Darling

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No, my darling, I won't let you throw your life away
just because people saw a glimpse
of what's behind the facade
and learned more about you
than you wanted them to.

You are complex, my darling.
They were gonna find that out eventually.
It was just a matter of time.
You can only hide it for so long.

Aren't you tired, my darling?
Aren't you absolutely exhausted from being
so goddamn vigilant all the time,
always having your guard up
on the off chance someone
might see something real?

Because I've known you for quite a while, my darling,
and I'm burnt out just watching you.
Everything's a battle,
a tactic with you
to keep your mask in place,
making sure it never slips,
and the second it does,
you run.
It's your pattern, my darling.

Just take it off for a minute,
relax and breathe.
Trust me, if anyone has,
you've earned a respite,
a winter break,
just a minute, my darling,
to feel truly at peace.

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