Luck of the Draw

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In every lifetime, you see the signs.
You see everything going on
and what's wrong.
You can do something,
you can do nothing.
It's up to you.

In the streets, in the heat,
no place to call home.
Left alone to roam around the world.
Looking for an open door,
for someone to see that
we are all human.

And every dollar is earned from luck.
A job is not a given.
Please listen.
You work for something,
they work for nothing.
Do you call that fair?

Young and old, in the cold,
starving with no food.
With no help, they're screwed. Invisible.
Looking for an open door,
for someone to see that
we are all human.

Open your heart,
and open your heart,
and open your heart,
and see.

They are sick, need help quick,
but have no healthcare, living on welfare.
Walking around,
looking for an open door,
for someone to see that
we are all human.


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