End the Stigma

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Of all the things I've been told;
that I'm too young and too old,
that I'm heartless and I care too much,
that I'm mainstream and I'm out of touch,
that I'm unintelligent and I'm too smart to act like a drama queen,
that I'm too impractical and should follow my dreams;
none infuriate me quite like three words unspoken:
when you act like I am broken.

Sadness, hopelessness, dejection, and hatred.
Emptiness, silence, fatigue, talent wasted.
It's easy to act like someone is damaged
when you haven't had to manage
your life on the brink of collapsing,
your mind unwilling to allow relaxing.
I am not broken.
I have not chosen
to feel numb.
And I am not lazy or a bum.
I am struggling to get up out of here,
but my vision isn't perfectly clear.
My map home is laced with fear.
I am not broken pieces.
I am tired and fucking sleepless.

We are not weak,
and it is not unique
to struggle.
Every player fumbles
at least once.
And they keep trying, running.
And so I won't be silenced
or distanced or influenced.
I'll just keep on saying
that we need to stop this constant shaming.
Be yourself and rise above.
And always remember that you are enough.

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