Alterna Space Center: Lift

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The vertical ventilation duct leads you to the interior of the building

Y/N:(Why do these are all these vents so high up !)

You emerge from the other side a couple hundred meters in the air, yet again. Fortunately you didn't have to do much as you were descending straight onto a checkpoint.

Callie: Can...can we turn on a light or something ?

You look in front of you, then behind. Visibility was low, your 120 meter eyesight was reduced to 5

Shiver: We'll have to rely on other senses. Like sharks do.

Y/N: Can... can we change the song or something ?

Hide or Sleek was still playing through the facility and you just about had enough

Shiver: Tired of me already ?

Y/N: Let me hear fins in the air

Y/N: Thanks
(This must be the inside of the launchpad)

With floodlights illuminating the path you proceed forward to a large square platform

Marie: Well, this is ominous...

Y/N: Yeah, my tentacles are on edge

You grab the armor that was in front of you and paint an ink switch in the distance which causes the platform to detach from the wall and move

Callie: Hey, we're moving

As you descend through the facility you continuously come across sprinklers and Octarians. With the help of lil buddy you defeat anything in your way and remain unscathed

Marie: I wish this thing moved faster.

Y/N: Same

After splatting a few more rounds of Octarians the lift stops at a wall with another ink switch

Big Man: Aaay ? (Oh! Is this the end?)

Y/N: Can't be

You respond while inking the switch which causes the wall to move upwards, revealing an Octocammander


Before he can spin the barrel of his gun you splat him which causes another wall to move and reveal a checkpoint

Shiver: If only we we're so lucky

On the other side of the checkpoint you find another lift and on your right an ink switch encasing a few Octarian troops who were glaring at you

Frye: We're on the move again !

Activating the ink switch causes the platform to descend again. As you move under the case of Octarians the bottom opens giving them access to the lift

Before they can reach the lift you splat them

Exactly like the first lift, as you descend you come across Octarians that try to stop you, now dropping on to the lift with you. Eventually it pauses at a wall with two Octocommanders on the sides

After splatting them, the lift changes directions and continues to descend

Callie: It just keeps going !

Y/N: Yeah, can't see where we're going either

You peer over the edge of the lift to find darkness

Marie: Is... is the elevator getting bigger

You look at the perimeter of the lift and notice an extension

Y/N: I guess when it stopped at those commanders

You hear a faint sound of pressurized ink and notice a super jump marker between your legs

Y/N:( What the ! An ocotoling?)

You quickly sink into your ink and move back slightly. As soon as she lands you toss lil buddy and shoot her

Before you can relax markers begin to show up back to back, increasing after you splat another octoling. As you defeat the last one you squint as a red light shines in your face


You turn into a squid and barely dodge an octosniper's shot

Callie: You can't catch a break !

Until he's in range you hide behind one of the blocks on the lift. As you and lil buddy take him out the the lift stops descending again

Callie: Last stop! Finally! Probably. Hopefully...

Y/N: Hopefully. That was way too boring

Marie: I don't know how much more I could take

Exiting the lift you walk along a metal walkway which abruptly stops at another vent. Without a second thought you climb into it and find yourself exiting outside, at the bottom of the launch tower beside the shuttle

Callie: Well... we climbed, we un-climbed... and now we're here. I hope Gramps really is at the launchpad

Marie: I'm still not sure how to get there...

You move to the side railing and peer at the rocket from your position

Frye: Hey ! I can see a pipe that's connected to the rocket

Y/N: Me too

A long grey pipe stretched from the launchpad the tower, seemingly the part you were standing on

Shiver: Good eye, Frye. The pipe is definitely big enough for Y/N to fit through. What could go wrong

Y/N: Why would you say that

Marie: Very brave to volunteer Y/N like that..

Y/N: Shark behavior

You begin to walk forward but find the path blocked by some fuzzy ooze

Y/N: You hungry buddy ?

He looks at you and shakes his head, full from chomping down on all the Octarians

Marie: There's an opening on your left, just go around

Y/N: I see it

Callie: Hey, so this has been bugging me... Why were you after the treasure, anyway? Just 'cause... treasure?

Frye: We're doing it for Bankara Street! Not everyone there is as fresh as we are. Some of them are really hurting!

Shiver: That's right. We plan to sell the treasure and divide the profits among the needy. We'll keep a... shallow cut.

Marie: Whoa. You're actually heroes. And here we thought... Well, I don't want to say what we thought.

You shake your head in agreement

Big Man: Ay! (Aw, thanks, Boss!)

Y/N: Boss Marie. It's got a ring to it

Marie: You don't get to call me that

Y/N: Even though you guys tried to kill me, I can't stay mad at that. You gotta do what you gotta do

Shiver: As I said, your forgiveness is much appreciated

Walking along the launch tower you reach an ink rail leading into the grey pipe Frye mentioned. With a quick glance to the side you confirm that it does lead into the rocket and swim through it

haIKAra walker (Splatoon 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now