Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry about what happened outside Auntie and Uncle. It's my fault that I didn't inform her about the two of you coming. Hope that you forgive her." Caerus continues to ask for forgiveness for what happened.

My husband looked at me and just mockingly shook his head. "You know Aerus, your auntie should be the one to ask forgiveness to you about what she has done to your nurse outside." he pulled me on the couch and let me sit beside him. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and gently squeezed it. I looked at him and nodded.

I rolled my eyes making him laugh softly. "I'm sorry about that Caerus, but you know me that I don't want somebody to interfere with my agenda here. It's urgent. I don't want someone making my plan to be sluggish. I want it done quickly." realization hits when my husband looks disappointed.

Remembering the face of the nurse makes me distressed. She looks upset, her eyes are full of fear. I'm insensitive when I am nervous, unintentionally I hurt that kind of person.

"Hon, to be honest, you look at hot when you become mean but think about how nice she is. How she still talks to me even if you became mean to her makes me realize that she is a kind person."

I looked at Caerus to see what his reaction was about what I did and my chest made a loud thud. Caerus looks serious, his brows are creased and he just looks at the wall coldly.

"Hon, I think I made Caerus mad literally." he looked at him and just shrugged his shoulders. "His fine, I think the woman outside is his girlfriend. It's just an instinct but I'm sure my guess is valid." he chuckled softly.

Thinking about that, that woman outside can't handle Caerus. I don't want to say that he is ruthless but Caerus is serious and quite enigmatic. I don't know if he can feel the emotions of his patients, when they share problems with him and just process the information that he gathers from what they've said to him.

I just came back from myself when my niece cleared his throat. "I think Benedict is experiencing some Memory Suppression. I'll ask the help of Nyx about this one because I'm not yet sure if it's memory suppression or not"

"Memory suppression? What do you mean about that Caerus?" my husband asked our niece who kept on looking at his personal computer where some records were displaying, he read every detail and also looked at the books that were scattered on his desk.

Caerus told me about the condition of my son but I told him that I should be the one to tell about it to my husband. However, I think it didn't go according to plan. He only thinks that our son is okay and nothing is wrong with him.

Caerus looked at me, exhaled loudly, and messed his hair. "Uncle, I have planned on telling you about the condition of Benedict but Auntie doesn't like you to know about it. All I know is you already have a piece of information about his condition but my suspicion is not that accurate," he said.

My husband eyed me seriously. "We'll talk later on," he said. "Can you elaborate on that please?"

"Maybe it will be better if we go back to Benedict so that he will have an idea of what's happening to him." He said.


"We are here now, Caerus, kindly elaborate on this one to us." Sanyo looks at her parents, you can see that both of them are nervous about what's wrong with their son.

Caerus walked towards our position and sat in front of us. "This is not easy to understand but I will try my best to explain it to you clearly. Hoping that you will grasp the information Auntie, Uncle."

"Memory suppression is a psychological concept that refers to the intentional or unintentional process of inhibiting or blocking the retrieval of certain memories. It can occur as a natural defense mechanism or as a result of deliberate efforts to forget or avoid particular experiences. In the condition of Benedict, I think he is experiencing repression which is a psychological defense mechanism proposed by Sigmund Freud. It involves the unconscious blocking of memories, often traumatic or distressing, from entering conscious awareness. The individual may not be aware of the repressed memories, but they can influence behavior and emotions."

"Someone intentionally made that so that he can forget someone".

The weight of Caerus's words hung in the air, creating a heavy silence in the room. The revelation that Benedict might be suffering from memory suppression and intentional repression left the parents of Benedict in a state of shock.

Jana's eyes widened with disbelief, and her grip on her husband's hand tightened. Cliff's expression shifted from confusion to concern, and both of them exchanged glances, processing the information that seemed both foreign and alarming.

Benedict, still seemingly detached from the conversation, continued to stare at the wall as if trying to decipher the mysteries hidden within it. Caerus, observing the reactions in the room, took a deep breath before continuing.

"I suspect that Benedict might be intentionally suppressing memories from his recent past, possibly involving someone named Dara. This could be due to a traumatic event or emotional distress that his mind is trying to protect him from. And about this Dara, I think Sanyo knew about her. Based on Sanyo, Benedict can't remember Dara and when he asked him about Dara, he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't talk about it anymore, he just insisted on helping his brother to remember this Dara.," Caerus explained, choosing his words carefully.

Auntie, breaking the silence, questioned with a tremor in her voice, "But why would someone want Benedict to forget someone? And who is Dara?"

Caerus hesitated for a moment, choosing his words wisely. "That's what we need to find out, try asking Sanyo about her maybe he can at least share about the connection between Benedict and her. Memory suppression can be a complex and delicate issue. It might be related to an event or relationship that Benedict's mind perceives as a threat or source of distress. We'll need to delve deeper into his subconscious to understand the root cause."

Uncle leaned forward, his expression a mix of worry and determination. "I know Sanyo, he can't share confidential things. Let's try other things to do, what can we do to help him, Caerus? How do we bring his memories back?"

Caerus nodded, "We'll start with comprehensive psychological evaluations and therapy sessions. If there's any trauma or suppressed memories, we need to gently guide Benedict through the process of remembering. It might take time, and there are no guarantees, but we'll do our best."

Jana, still visibly shaken, spoke up, "And what about Dara? Who is she, and why does her name seem to trigger such a strong reaction in Benedict?"

Caerus sighed, "That's something we'll have to uncover through therapy and gradual exploration. The answers may not come immediately, and Benedict might resist the process initially. But with time and patience, we hope to piece together the puzzle of his memories."

As the conversation continued, plans were put in motion to initiate the necessary psychological evaluations and therapy sessions for Benedict. The journey to unravel the threads of his suppressed memories had just begun.

In the days that followed, therapy sessions commenced, and the delicate process of guiding Benedict through his suppressed memories began. As the layers of repression slowly peeled away, the truth behind the intentional act of forgetting started to reveal itself. At the heart of it all was a story that intertwined the past, the present, and the mysterious figure named Dara.

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