Chapter 8

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The next day, as Benedict woke up, he noticed Dara's absence. The room felt empty, devoid of the usual presence that had become a constant in his life during his recovery. Confused and concerned, he approached Sanyo.

"Hey, where's Dara?" Benedict asked, a hint of unease in his voice.

Sanyo, sitting by the bedside, couldn't help but shoot Benedict a stern look. "Why are you asking? You made her cry yesterday with your words, and now you're acting like everything is normal."

Benedict, puzzled by his brother's reaction, replied, "I just noticed she's not here. I didn't mean to upset her."

Sanyo sighed, frustrated by his brother's obliviousness. "Do you really think she's not affected by what you said? She's human, Benedict, not some emotionless robot. You lashed out at her, and now you expect her to be fine and dandy? She's probably hurting because of your words."

Benedict, realizing the impact of his actions, looked down, a mix of guilt and regret crossing his face. "I didn't mean to..."

Sanyo interrupted, "Intentions don't always excuse the damage caused. You need to understand that people have feelings, including Dara. You can't treat her poorly and expect her to stick around as if nothing happened. Go find her and apologize if you want any chance of making things right."

With those words, Sanyo left Benedict to reflect on his actions. The weight of his words sank in, and a sense of urgency pushed Benedict to search for Dara, hoping he hadn't irreparably damaged the connection they shared.

Sanyo, realizing the toll the situation was taking on both his brother and Dara, decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her. He sought her out, finding her in a quiet corner of the hospital garden where she often went to gather her thoughts.

"Dara," Sanyo began gently, "we need to talk."

Dara looked up, her eyes showing traces of exhaustion from the recent events. "Sanyo, I... I don't know what to do anymore. Benedict doesn't remember me, and it's tearing me apart."

Sanyo sat down beside her, offering a sympathetic smile. "I know it's hard for you. But you also need to consider yourself in this situation. This is taking a toll on you, mentally and emotionally. Maybe it's time for you to step back and take a break."

Dara looked at him, a mix of surprise and confusion in her eyes. "Step back? But I want to help Benedict. I can't just abandon him when he needs support the most."

Sanyo sighed, "I'm not suggesting abandonment, Dara. I'm suggesting giving yourself some time and space. You've been through a lot, and it's not easy seeing the person you care about not remembering you. Maybe taking a break will help both you and Benedict. Sometimes, we need to step back to see the bigger picture."

Dara hesitated but eventually nodded, understanding the wisdom in Sanyo's words. "I just don't want to make things worse for Benedict."

Sanyo reassured her, "I'm not saying you should completely give up on him. Just take some time for yourself, clear your mind, and then reassess the situation. Benedict is undergoing therapy, and he has our support. You need support too."

After a particularly intense session, Dara sat alone in the hospital courtyard, seeking solace amidst the blooming flowers and gentle breeze. Caerus, having noticed the toll the situation was taking on her, approached quietly and took a seat beside her.

"Dara, you've been through a lot in the past few weeks. This whole situation is challenging, not just for Benedict but for you as well," Caerus said, his gaze filled with empathy.

She sighed; her eyes fixed on a distant point. "I never expected it to be this complicated, Caerus. The more we uncover, the more it feels like I'm an intruder in Benedict's life."

Caerus nodded understandingly. "He's struggling to come to terms with the memories, and your part of that struggle. Sometimes, to heal, we need space, and that includes giving Benedict the room he needs to process everything."

A heavy silence settled between them as Dara absorbed Caerus's words. She knew he was right, but accepting it was a different challenge altogether.

"I care about him, Caerus. But maybe, for his sake, I need to step back," Dara admitted reluctantly, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Caerus placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's not about abandoning him; it's about giving him the space to navigate his emotions. Sometimes, distance can be a catalyst for healing."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the hospital grounds, Dara found herself standing outside Benedict's room. She took a deep breath, her heart heavy with the decision she was about to make.

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