Chapter 10

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In the stillness of the room, Benedict's eyes widened as the memories flooded back, and the fog that clouded his mind lifted. He recalled the moments, the laughter, and the shared experiences with Dara. A profound sense of understanding replaced the confusion that had gripped him for so long.

"Dara," he called out, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and realization.

However, as he turned around, expecting to see Dara standing there, the room revealed only emptiness. The truth hit him like a wave, and a profound sadness settled over him. The person he had just remembered was not there.

His parents, who had been watching the scene unfold, exchanged concerned glances. Benedict's joyous rediscovery had transformed into a bittersweet moment.

"She's not here," Benedict muttered, a hint of sorrow in his voice. His parents approached, realizing the complex emotions that were surfacing.

His mother gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Benedict, she's not here with us anymore."

A mix of confusion and grief painted Benedict's face as he grappled with the reality that Dara, the woman he had just remembered, was no longer a part of his present. The weight of the situation pressed down on him, and he sank into a contemplative silence, mourning a past that felt both distant and achingly close.

Benedict was immersed in a lively conversation with his family, sharing laughter and anecdotes as they created new memories together. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and joy, a stark contrast to the confusion and distress that had enveloped them just days ago.

Amidst the cheerful chatter, there came a knock-on Benedict's hospital room door. Caerus, their cousin, wearing a knowing smile, entered the room. Benedict turned toward the door, his face lighting up with a genuine happiness that hadn't been there before.

"Caerus! You won't believe how much better I feel now," Benedict exclaimed, his eyes reflecting gratitude and newfound understanding.

Caerus nodded, acknowledging the positive change in Benedict's demeanor. "I'm glad to see you doing well, Benedict. Your recovery has been remarkable."

Benedict's parents, still overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, took a moment to speak with their niece, Caerus, who had played a crucial role in Benedict's recovery.

"Caerus, we can't thank you enough for what you've done for Benedict," Benedict's mother said, her eyes reflecting genuine appreciation.

"Yes, indeed. You've been a tremendous help, and we're grateful to have you as part of the family," Benedict's father added, smiling warmly.

Caerus, their niece, humbly accepted their gratitude. "I'm just glad I could assist in Benedict's recovery. He's family, after all."

Benedict's parents exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the strong bond that family held. "You've truly been a blessing, Caerus. We couldn't have asked for a better cousin for Benedict."

As they continued to express their thanks, Caerus reassured them, "Family takes care of family. I'm here whenever you need anything."

Caerus approached Benedict with a knowing smile, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Benedict, your memories are back. It's a gift and, at the same time, a challenge. But remember, there might be a reason why those memories were suppressed in the first place."

Benedict, still processing the rush of recollections, looked at Caerus with a mix of curiosity and confusion. "What do you mean? Why would I suppress my memories?"

Caerus leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms. "Sometimes, we push away things that hurt us. But you... you pushed away the person tied to those memories. Maybe that's where the answers lie."

Benedict's brows furrowed as he attempted to comprehend Caerus's words. "Are you saying that I... pushed away someone important?"

Caerus nodded, offering a cryptic smile. "Dara. She's the reason those memories were tucked away. How can you ask about the reason if you've pushed her away?"

Benedict's eyes widened in realization. Dara – the missing piece in the puzzle of his memories. Caerus, leaving Benedict to his thoughts, stepped out of the room, his words hanging in the air like a riddle waiting to be unraveled.

"You can stay here in the hospital as long as you need, Benedict. Take the time to mend your broken heart in this room – your room, actually. Quite the luxury, isn't it?" Caerus chuckled, leaving Benedict to confront the truth he had unwittingly avoided.

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