Chapter 6

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In the dimly lit hospital room, Dara carefully approached Benedict, who sat on the edge of the bed, lost in his thoughts. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken emotions, and Dara could sense the internal struggle Benedict was facing.

"Hey, Benedict. How about we go for a walk? It might help clear your mind," Dara suggested, her voice gentle and reassuring.

Benedict, however, recoiled slightly, pushing her away both physically and emotionally. "I don't need your help, Dara. I can handle things on my own," he retorted, his tone laced with frustration.

Dara took a step back, respecting his space but not giving up on her efforts to support him. "I understand this is difficult for you, but I'm here because I care. We used to share so many memories, and I want to help you remember them."

He shook his head in defiance, his brows furrowed. "I don't even know who you are. Why do you keep insisting on being here?"

Dara swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to maintain her composure. "Benedict, I know this is confusing for you, but I promise I only want what's best for you. We have a history, and I believe we can work through this together."

Frustration and confusion etched across Benedict's face as he grappled with the internal conflict. "I can't just pretend like everything is normal when I can't remember anything. Just leave me alone, Dara."

Dara respected his wishes, giving him the space, he seemed to need at that moment. As she retreated towards the door, she turned back one last time, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and determination. "I'll be here when you're ready, Benedict. Take the time you need."

The door closed softly behind her, leaving Benedict alone with his thoughts. Dara stood in the hallway, her heart heavy with the weight of the situation. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to stand by him, even if it meant facing resistance along the way.

Sanyo, observing the persistent challenges Dara faced in helping Benedict recover his memories, couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and admiration for her unwavering dedication. One day, as they found a moment alone, Sanyo approached Dara with a serious expression.

Sanyo, with a genuine concern in his eyes, turned to Dara. "How are you holding up through all of this, Dara? This situation is undoubtedly challenging for both of you, and I can't imagine how difficult it must be."

Dara offered a small, reassuring smile. "I appreciate your concern, Sanyo. It's not easy, but I'm here for Benedict. We'll figure this out together."

Sanyo nodded, his worry still evident. "I can't help but wonder, is this affecting you? I mean, dealing with all of this uncertainty and not knowing how Benedict will respond – it must be incredibly tough."

Dara took a moment to collect her thoughts. "It's challenging, no doubt. There are moments of frustration and sadness, but I believe in Benedict. I believe that we can find a way to bring back those memories. And until then, I'll support him in any way I can."

Sanyo, visibly relieved by Dara's resilience, nodded approvingly. "You're stronger than I thought, Dara. It's not easy dealing with someone who can't remember you, especially when that person means so much. Just know that we're here for both of you."

Dara expressed her gratitude with a nod, acknowledging the difficult journey they were embarking on. Sanyo, while still concerned about the challenges ahead, felt reassured that Dara was steadfast in her commitment to Benedict's well-being.

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