Chapter 1

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Erin's POV
*I woke up feeling like absolute shit ! I really thought that the 1st trimester was the worst part with the sickness and stuff but honestly I haven't had a day yet where I felt good I checked the clock and it read 9:40 am and I already knew jay was gone to work so I decided to get up and get a hot shower and get ready for the day*

*I put this outfit on and this is what my bump looked like I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and I can't wait to get this baby out of me ! I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun and I did some light makeup before heading down over the stairs...

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*I put this outfit on and this is what my bump looked like I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant and I can't wait to get this baby out of me ! I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun and I did some light makeup before heading down over the stairs to the kitchen where I made myself some breakfast and I read more of my book cause I don't know what to be doing throughout the day without work*
A few hours later
*its now 11:45am and I decided that I'm going to go get some donuts to bring to the district because I don't know what else to do so I put on my shoes and got in my car and drove to my favourite donut shop that my good friend Bri works at*
At the restaurant
*when I arrived I parked the car and headed inside*
Bri:Erin ! *smiles* it's so nice to see you again
Erin:yeah ! I haven't been here in a while
Bri:oh my god !! The bump is adorable *smiles*
Erin:finally starting to look I'm actually pregnant and not just fat
Bri:tell me about it ! When I was pregnant with Levi I never got out of that stage till I was 6 months !
Erin:I could not even imagine! How old is Levi and Jenna now ?
Bri:Levi's 10 believe it or not
Erin:wow ! He's not a baby anymore
Bri:nope ! *smiles* and Jenna is 15
Erin:gosh ! I feel so old
Bri:right ! There not babies anymore that's for sure anyways what can I get for you ?
Erin: a 12 pack of donuts please !
Bri:any specific kinds ?
Erin:doesn't matter !
Bri:coming right up !
*Bri puts together a box of donuts and hands them to me*
Bri:that will be 10.95 please
Erin:here ya go ! *hands her the cash*
Bri:thank you ! Have a nice day Erin
Erin:you to ! And tell the kids I said hello
Bri:will do ! *smiles*
*I take the box of donuts and I headed back out to the car and I drove to the district*
At the district
*when I pulled up to the district I saw all of intelligences car so I knew that they were all there so I parked my car and headed inside*
Trudy:Erin?! What are you doing here !
Erin:thought I would bring some donuts ! Would you like one ?
Trudy:I'm good thanks I just had lunch
Erin:suit yourself ! *smiles*
Trudy:aww your bump is really showing now
Erin:I know ! It's so cute
Trudy:well I'll let you go upstairs
Erin:thanks !
*I go up over the stairs and I take a look at the bored before anyone saw me*
Erin:murder case ? Rough one
Kim:Erin ! How are you ?
Erin:good I guess ! I mean I haven't had a day where I haven't been morning sick but it's all good
Kim:you poor thing !
Jay:what brings you here ? Is everything ok ?
Erin:oh yeah ! I just got bored so I brought some donuts for everyone
Kevin:thanks Lindsay !
Erin:your welcome ! Help yourself
*everyone grabs a donut*
Erin:what's the case ?
Jay:9 year old boy found dead at the park
Erin:oh that's a tough one
Erin:have any leads ?
Adam:not one single thing
Kim:we've been working on it for 4 hours now and got no where besides knowing the kids name and family
Erin:is there any cameras ?
Kevin:and got nothing from then
Jay:it's like the kid teleported to the site
Kim:one second he wasn't on the camera and the next he's laying dead
Erin:strange !
Kevin:yeah this kid is a mystery
*hank then comes out of his office*
Hank:Erin !*smiles*
Erin:hey !
Hank:alright guys I got word from a CI that there is a guy on the streets going and murdering kids and bringing them to random locations
Kevin:got a name ?
Hank:Duran Diaz he's currently at the strop club working his shift but it ends in 30 mins so get suited up and get this guy in here !
*they all went and got suited up and then Hank came  over to me*
Hank:wanna join ?
Erin:and how am I supposed to do that ?
Hank:stay in the security van with Kevin
Erin:ok !
*hank got me and XL vest so it Would fit over my bump and we headed downstairs*
Jay:woah woah woah ! Erin you can't come you know that !
Hank:relax jay ! She's not going out in the field I'm putting her in the security van with Kevin
*we got in the van and we drove to the location*
At the location
*once we made it to the location we both got out of the front seats and made our way to the back of the van where all the technical stuff was put*
Erin:so how's is it being partners with Kim and Adam ?
Kevin:it's fine for the most part but I miss Antonio
*Antonio used to be partners with Kevin but when he went to rehab Kevin was partnerless and we had a Odd number so he often went with Kim and Adam and every now and then with Hank but since I've been on leave he's been partners with jay*
Kevin:how's you and baby ?
Erin:besides the fact that I've been sick almost every day with morning sickness pretty well
Kevin:I thought that was only supposed to last the first few weeks?
Erin:me to but here we are

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