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Hey, it's me again. Sorry it's not a chapter.

I've been rereading this story (to get me some inspiration to write some more), and there have been some things that I've read that I wrote as a 12/13 year old, that 15 year old me is not exactly happy with. So I think I'll take some time to edit and change the previous chapters, like Maddie's eye color. It's supposed to match Artemis' eye color but then I found out Artemis' eyes are more silver like the moon and not purple (no fucking clue why I thought they were purple, lol). I felt it was too late to change it so I just kept it as is, but I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to change Maddie's eye color to silver with flecks of yellow (people will still comment on how unique it is, but purple eyes are more of a Dionysus kid thing, so I'm changing it). There's also how Maddie is born that needs to be changed. I tried to fix it saying that Artemis only broke her oath for Maddie's dad, but I think it would fit Artemis as a character and a maiden goddess if I changed how Maddie was born. Athena's kids are born from thoughts so I thought I could use something kind of like that but with stars because, y'know, Artemis (there are people who have done that in other stories, but I can't remember the stories or users, but once I do, I'll be sure to credit them). I'm also changing a few things with the kids. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea for Maddie and Percy to have so many kids (probably to name after some character that's important to them, but whatever), so I'm gonna change that as well. These are all I can think of in the moment of writing this author's note, but if you're rereading this fic and see any changes, just know I saw those and changed it. Please respect my decisions, as I am the one who started this fanfiction.

Have a good day or night, the author

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