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When Logan found himself on the other side of the portal he was blinded by a bright light, when he opened his eyes again he saw a magnificent place. The light shone on the unspoiled nature, the sun gave off a slight warmth and there was an intoxicating scent in the air, it was like being in a beautiful dream. In front of them, in the distance, was a small town. The two of them walked into the town, which was entirely made of wrought stone, with various shops and very unique people walking around the charming little town. At the end of the main street, at the end of the town, was a ranch, surrounded by nature and animal pens they had never seen before.

In front of them was a ranch, surrounded by nature and animal pens they had never seen before. There was also a workshop full of spare parts and disassembled vehicles. Gate knocked on the door, a man who looked like a cowboy opened it for him, probably the owner of the place.

"Hi Hank, I need a vehicle to get into town," Gate said.

"Long time, Gate!" he said giving him a mighty slap on the back, "I only have one Dygal."

"But there are two of us," Logan pointed out.

"Thanks Hank, we'll make do."

The Dygal was a horse-like animal, but with the leathery hide of a rhinoceros and the grace of a gazelle, it had two horns and four legs on which hooves were mounted. The two mounted the unusual animal and rode off toward the horizon, where a city stood. They traveled several miles through breathtaking scenery and picturesque towns until they came to the threshold of a very large city: "Haren, the City of Light," read the sign at the entrance.

Huge walls grew up around the city, controlled by the king's soldiers, and a test was required to pass through.

It was a city that combined the ancient and the future, the capital of the entire Intra-World. There were indescribable means of transportation that hovered over the metallic asphalt and up to the highest skyscrapers. From the tallest skyscrapers, cascades of crystal clear water flowed down, dissolving before they touched the ground. The whole city glowed under the sun, giving it a shiny appearance, as if it were made of gold. The people were smiling and very unique, they all had platinum blonde hair and earth-like clothes. Just outside the city was the castle of Haren, reflecting on the majestic Lake Haster, where the royal family resided. This magical city left Logan speechless.

They passed the checkpoints and entered the interior of the metropolis. Right in front of them was a huge parking lot, "What are we doing here?" asked Logan.

"You'll see, kid," Gate replied, he was holding keys that looked like they belonged to a car, at one point they arrived in front of a fantastic car. It had a unique shape and the design of a sports car. They drove down the road to their destination.

They had now left the city and were heading toward the lake, where the huge castle of Haren stood on the sheer cliff.

"Where are we going?" asked Logan.

No sooner had he said these words than the car stopped in front of the entrance to the imposing castle.

Waiting for them was a man with white hair, wearing a dark robe and carrying a finely decorated walking stick; he introduced himself as Cyrus.

"We have been waiting for you," the man said.

The man led them through a huge garden that led to the entrance of the palace; inside, the long corridor was supported by gilded columns, with tapestries on the walls and fine carpets.

The man led them into a room: it was huge, with banquet tables, furniture with shelves full of ancient books, huge crystal chandeliers. At the end of the room was a throne on which sat a man with a dark complexion; he wore sumptuous robes and gold rings on all his fingers; he also possessed a scepter made entirely of gold, and on his head rested a crown set with diamonds and precious stones. He looked at the boy and said, "I have been waiting for you, Logan Davis.

"How do you know my name?"

"I am Tycar, the King of Haren," "I was the one who asked Gate to look for you."

"Why did he choose me?" asked the very confused boy.

"You were chosen by my ancestors, the former kings of Haren, as a worthy successor to the Guardians"; "The Intra-World is going through dark times because of the conflict between us and the Dark Lord's thugs who are persistently trying to liberate it".

"The Guardians are the only weapon capable of preventing the Dark Lord from escaping his captivity," Gate confirmed.

"I asked Gate to re-form the Guardians because after the tragic incident a few months ago, I realized that I would need all the help I could get."

"So I'm not the only one destined?" asked Logan.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone," Gate reassured him.

After the dramatic introduction, the king had Logan escorted to his room for the night, as he would begin his training the next day.

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